13. Unforeseen

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Jinxs pov.

"Why don't you just listen to me for once", Silco pinched the bridge of his nose. His voice like steel chilled me as I hunched sitting on top of his work table, paying attention to the conversation in the office, yet, pretending like I wasn't. He wasn't speaking to me or Sevika, but Y/N.

" sorry, won't happen again", she said more like muttered, both of her hands were clasped together, her fingers twisting around each other whilst her eyes unnoticeably rolled in annoyance.

I shifted barely in my place, recalling the events of last night. A simple smile shyly crawled onto my face. I could still feel Y/Ns hands on my hips, her salty lips brushing over mine. The marks on Y/Ns neck and my blood dried on her sleeves were enough to make my cheeks rosy, recognizing my masterpiece on her skin.

"You barely attend any meetings, Y/N", Silco sounded more irritated with each word, holding his eyes with hers, they were dull, wrinkles formed on top of his brows," you should know better than letting filthy men leave their marks on you", he sneered.

Both of our eyes flashed with scare and we didn't dare to look at each other, not even one glance. The space seemed quieter each second, she stood there dumbfounded, not sure what to reply or where to look.

My throat cleared, perhaps louder than I intended as a spark of anger scratched at my insides at the thought that Silco thinks Y/N could belong to someone else; especially a nasty man," sooo Chef Pa! I was wondering", my voice was a bit shaky, getting his full attention to me that I loved so much.

Before I could say something, Silco brought his hand up, ordering me to stop whatever I was about to let out," enough", I flinched at his thick tone, yet closed my mouth shut, backing away and pulling my knees to my chest.

He's mad at you, what if he knows? Mylo spoke with a bit of spite.

" shut up", I whispered to myself staring at the distance. No one heard only Y/N who was intensively staring at me. I could feel the pityness radiating off of her. She didn't dare to say anything else, waiting for Silco to speak.

"The shipment was transferred for today, it's scheduled to sail in two hours," he declared.

" what?!", I couldn't help myself but yell out realizing I'll have to be away from Y/N in two hours. My plans to spend time with her were crushed and it created a flare of anger lighting up my whole body.

Silco and Y/N both swung their heads at me, the man let out a sigh," is there a problem? you love being on an airship", our eyes locked and suddenly I didn't know how to feel, I was scared to make him upset; disappointed.

" Nothing pa", my jaw tightened and I blinked," what about Y/N?".

Y/Ns pov

" what about Y/N?", Jinx turned to me, a glint of excitement and sadness in her eyes. The girl was being more than obvious today, Silco was definitely suspecting something about her odd behavior all over the place.

My own frame tensed and I realized that perhaps my plan might work. The plan made my insides crawl with disgust as I thought about it now, the idea of hurting Jinx like that is unbearable and crushing. He might be manipulating and using her, but she loved him like a father. Taking his life would be just as same as how my dad was taken away from me. Although that made me dwell in sickness, he would take Jinx away from me. I knew it better than he himself did. I had to prevent that from happening.

" I need to fix some paperwork, she'll assist" Silco narrowed his eyes at me. Tone cold and bitter with authority.


" you didn't need me to assist you with some ass paperwork, right?", I clicked my tongue, plopping myself onto the sofa once Jinx was out of the office. Before she left, her finger brushed against the side of my hand with a seductive wink hidden from Silco.

I knew Silco didn't have any useless paperwork to fix, I was the one fixing it not long ago. It was certainly something he didn't want Jinx to know, and since he tells her absolutely everything I was dwelling on the impression.

Silcos eyes darkened. He took out an injection needle from his drawer as I reached for a glass full of whiskey. It was Sevikas; she didn't get to finish it after Silco ordered her out together with Jinx.

I watched how Silco aimed the needle with the pupil of his rotten eye. With a quick breath, he pushed the button and the needle went through, causing him to grip the chair arms.

The rest of the shimmer ran down his cheek and I sipped my drink, waiting, wondering what kind of drama will he spill. Silco ran his fingers through his brownish hair, finally speaking," you're the only one I could trust with this", he turned to me with a 'hmmm' sound tumbling down his throat.

My brows quirked upward in question and I placed the glass down, it let out a thud," and that is...?".

Silcos head fell, he was hesitating to tell me, perhaps even doubting if he even should. Now was the time I'd learn if he truly trusts me or not.
He let out one long sigh," your sister, Vi-"

" she's not my sister", I interrupted him a bit too quickly without thinking, it was like an instinct, especially after what happened with Jinx. Hearing him saying even something as close as that made me cringe.

I stayed quiet, letting him talk again after my correction," Jinx's sister, is alive".

My breath became dangerously slow. The whole world fell silent, the wind died, and even the clock paused.

"What?", it wasn't really a question, and even though I spoke out, my mind and thoughts were in hundred different places at one time.

She's dead. She's been dead for years.


That's what he told us.

" your sister is dead, her body was found not far from the lab".

I recalled his words. The way he said it was full of acts. I should have known he was lying to me. To Jinx.

" she's in Stillwater prison", Silco got up from his chair, making his way to me, his dark and cold eyes soon we're replaced with softness, seeing me stay quiet he continued," I need you to get rid of her", his voice full of spite.

Of course, he'd choose me for that job, he knew I hated Jinx, hated everything to do with her, she took my family away, it was only logic that I'd want to take away hers too. What he didn't know was that I no longer had my eyes shut; I saw who was truly at fault here.

" and how exactly would you want me to do it?", I didn't agree nor disagree with him, playing and acting, just like he did all these years; I'll get my revenge, and everyone will be a part of it.

" kill her, throw her body into the river", he waved his hand lazily," anything will work".

" Jinx would never forgive you for it if she knew", My brow lifted as I chuckled darkly, squinting my eyes a bit and leaning back into the sofa.

Silco froze for a brief second," she will never find out".

He was a heartless monster, a selfish piece of shit. Rage flowed through me like melting lava. I swallowed the fire, feeling sick in my gut," I'll never comprehend how you sleep at night".

The man let out a dangerously low laugh," the things I do for family".

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