chapter 1: halloween

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October 31, 1981

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October 31, 1981. 10:00 PM.

Knock knock.

"James, darling, I believe some more trick or treaters are at the door!"

"Coming, my Lilyflower!" James said, eagerly emerging from the kitchen with a smudge of chocolate on the side of his face.

"James, were you going through the candy bowl again? I told you it was for the children, not for you!" Lily exclaimed, hitting James with the back of her book.

"I can't help it my love, they were just sitting on the counter! You can't expect me to just not eat them!" James said, rubbing his now sore neck as he walked up to the doorway and peered through the small peephole. A wide grin spreading across his face, he flung the door open.

"Padfoot! Moony! Wormtail!"

 "Prongs!" They all said joyfully, stepping in the doorway, each patting James on the back. "Do you like our fits, Prongs? I thought we should go all out for the twins' first Halloween," Sirius said, a mischievous grin plastered on his face whilst his hands gestured to the three grown men's costumes.

Sirius was dressed in his normal getup, dark jeans and a leather jacket. But this time, they were accompanied by black dog ears and a small leather collar with a silver pendant hanging off of it that read Snuffles.

Remus was for the most part dressed normally, in his beige sweater and long brown pants. (And you can't forget the elbow patches :) But when Sirius turned to him with a frown, he let out a deep sigh, furrowing his brows and mumbling something along the lines of "bloody git" under his breath, and put on a pair of wolf ears, James slightly chuckling at his friend's discomfort.

Peter, meanwhile, stood in the corner, a long rat tail sticking out of his pants and conveniently eating a small block of cheese Lily had left out with some crackers.

"Very funny, Sirius, how original." Lily applauded, a small smile showing as her friend's eyes glimmered with pride.

"Thanks Lils', at least someone appreciates my hard efforts," he said with a pointed look at Remus, who jokingly rolled his eyes.

"Now," Remus said, "not that we don't love you two, but we actually came for the other Potters of the house."

James took a step back and dramatically flung his body into the arms of Sirius who was standing right behind him, a fake look of hurt on his face as he clutched his heart, "UGH! And I thought you were my mate, Remus!"

"Sorry Prongs," Sirius said as he pushed his friend up and leaned back against the doorframe, "but we have some chocolate for the little ones and if we don't give it to them now Moony might eat it all!"

Everyone's eyes flicked towards Remus as a sheepish grin overtook his face. Lily smiled, motioning towards the living room where two little babies were playing.

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