chapter 7: what the hell was that?

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Strolling through the hallway of the train, MJ stole quick glances as she passed the dozens of compartments filled with friends reuniting, talking about their crazy trips with their families or their favorite summer memories

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Strolling through the hallway of the train, MJ stole quick glances as she passed the dozens of compartments filled with friends reuniting, talking about their crazy trips with their families or their favorite summer memories. She scoffed internally as a group of first years clumsily ran past her, pushing her back into the wall and fumbling to her knees.

"One of these days, I am going to throw these midgets off the side of the train," she grumbled, her knees stinging from the harsh welcome of the floor.

"Don't know if you were aware Puffy, but the floor won't respond to you."

Groaning, the girl with now sore knees looked up from her position on the floor to meet the smirking gaze of two identical ginger giants.

"Eh you never know, surely it wouldn't be the craziest thing that's happened." MJ brushed her legs as she stood up to meet the gaze of the twins, consequently raising her head since they were crazy tall.

Jae had a complicated relationship with the Weasley twins. Fred and George Weasley, the notorious pranksters of Hogwarts, as well as two of the best beaters at the school. Ever since her first year when she set a dungbomb off in the boys bathroom where they happened to be ditching class with Lee, they had taken a liking to the young Hufflepuff and her mischievous acts. They would sometimes prank together, stuffing Mrs. Norris behind statues, changing the color of greasy Snape's hair or pleading to Minnie that they were just three innocent students wandering the halls at the wrong times. More times than not that would land them in detention.

But once she played as a reserve chaser halfway through her first year, their dynamic got much more competitive, even more so when she actually made the team in second year. The house rivalry was too important for the Weasleys to give up, not to mention they never beat Hufflepuff when she was playing. She was way too fast for the bludgers and always managed to get past Oliver on the posts. It had left them to become a bit sour after games and lead to eventual prank wars between the three. But regardless, they were good company, not to mention she thought they were quite fit- although she would NEVER tell them that.

"True that," Fred says, "Craziest thing to happen to our lot was that rubbish call during last year's match."

"Oh, yeah, I remember that! Wood was red as a tomato!" MJ lowly chuckled, a competitive gaze burned into the eyes of the Gryffindor opposite her. She remembered the game fondly, when she managed to make Angelina Johnson dizzy and drop the Quaffle through a dangerous move the Gryffindor captain tried to argue was "reckless flying". The ref called in favor of Hufflepuff, and that goal helped them win the match.

Not her fault she was a natural-born player. She couldn't help but kick ass.

"Yeah, nearly drowned himself in the showers too. Fred's still not convinced that the game wasn't rigged, though." George added, jabbing elbows with his twin who rolled a playful eye after breaking eye contact with the curious girl in front of him.

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