chapter 12: soft touches

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The week following Pettigrew's break-in was brutally exhausting. The escaped prisoner wasn't found on school grounds, but that didn't stop the Dementors from practically multiplying around the castle. It was like a constant, dark looming cloud on everyone's paranoid shoulders.

 It sucked.

Not to mention, the full moon was approaching, and Kevin was more irritable than ever. Having that negative energy constantly around couldn't be good for him, despite his reassurances that he was fine. Coincidentally, Professor Lupin had been ill all week, often missing class like her best friend did. MJ had her own theories about the curious man, but any time she tried to bring it up Kevin immediately shot it down. So, she kept them to herself, not wanting to trouble the already-hurting boy. Professor Snape had been covering his lessons, and MJ was glad to say she was happy Kevin was too ill to show. She didn't know how he'd react. Especially when the greasy-haired teacher was assigning them lengthy papers on how to identify and kill werewolves. MJ would have jinxed Snape if Amara hadn't stopped her, quite literally holding her down in her seat. It seriously couldn't get worse.

But it did.

Malfoy had gone to new lengths while milking his minor injury from Buckbeak, convincing Madam Hooch and the school board to switch the match from Slytherin vs Gryffindor to Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor. Not only was the threat from Malfoy a good persuasion, but the combined threats from both Draco and Lucius definitely left the board and Madam Hooch reconsidering. It was absolutely unfair, to both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff! But there wasn't anything either team could do but scramble to prepare for their new opponents. That meant constant practice: at night, in the early morning, in the cold and icy air, even in the rain. Because if Quidditch wasn't hard enough, the gloomy fall weather was bloody devastating.

The week passed in a blur, and it was now the day of the match. The full moon had been the night before, and MJ and Cedric were exhausted. It had been a particularly rough full moon, and though Kevin only obtained a few scratches, he was still sleeping in the afternoon. Normally he would wake up around 10:00 after a rough night, his internal clock proving his natural early bird tendencies. He never slept in, so he was definitely exhausted, and needed the rest. They all did.

And that's why you could find the two Hufflepuffs guzzling down coffee like their lives depended on it during breakfast. Despite this extra caffeine, MJ was still deprived of her normal strength and awareness, the negative energy from the Dementors really taking an effect on her. Why her? Why did they affect her so much compared to her friends? Was she weak? Trying to clear these thoughts out of her mind, she nibbled on as much food as she could to fuel her nerve-ridden stomach that was constantly rumbling with bile.

Before she knew it, she was in the tent with the rest of the Hufflepuff team, making her final preparations before getting onto the pitch. Despite the harsh stormy weather, the game had a huge turnout, students, parents, and teachers alike coming to watch.

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