chapter 2: the betrayal

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October 31, 1981

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October 31, 1981. 11 PM.

As the adults sat down to continue their tradition of watching a muggle Halloween movie and eating popcorn together, the two children sat in their cribs, a soft lullaby whistling in the air as they watched the enchanted stars on the ceiling.

"James, you can't be serious!"

"No, I'm Sirius."

"Oh, shut it Padfoot."

"Make me," Sirius replied, cheekily winking at the now flustered werewolf. Despite the obvious sexual tension in the room, noticed by everyone EXCEPT Sirius and Remus, everyone "oohed" as the werewolf reached his long arm around Sirius and covered his mouth for him.

"But James, in all seriousness," Remus said, his hand covering Padfoot's mouth as he murmured unintelligibly, "You can face the darkest wizard of our time, but you can't sit and watch The Shining without screaming like a little girl?"

An embarrassed blush on his cheeks, James snapped "It's not my fault that movie is so creepy! And I mean come on, the bathroom scene? Do you really want to see something like that in real life?" They all shuddered, the dim glow from the TV illuminating their faces.

Peter, who had been abnormally quiet that night, rigidly stood up to excuse himself to use the restroom. As soon as he was out of his friend's view, Pettigrew crept up to the second floor, legs shaking with every step, and entered the calm nursery, a curious Harry and Malia staring back at him from their separate cribs.

Peering down at the children, his eyes teared with emotion. Sadness? Grief? Guilt? He started pacing the room, muttering unintelligibly as sweat covered his forehead and clammy hands. Then facing the two, his eyes set on the little girl whose large eyes peered up at the man curiously.

Tears clouding his vision, he shakily picked up Malia, muttering a Silencing and Disillusionment charm on the child as he tucked her into his arms. "Don't worry H-Harry, my m-master will be back for you. R-right now, he needs Mal-Malia."

Looking at the sleepy little girl in his arms, his mind started spinning with fear of how he would sneak her out the house without the other Marauders noticing. The Dark Lord had tasked him to bring the small girl to him, and he knew that he could not fail. Not if he wanted to live.

 Frantically looking around, he covered her up as best he could in one of Sirius's old leather jackets he had left in the nursery. Once she was bundled up and well hidden under the various charms and layers, he exited the nursery, a sleeping Malia in hand and a worried Harry left behind.

Pettigrew crept back down the stairs, heading for the doorway until he heard "Wormtail! Where ya goin' mate?" Heart dropping into his chest, he turned around to see his group of friends curiously staring at him from the couch, the movie on the screen paused. Swallowing the bile rising in his throat and hiding the shaky hold he had on the hidden child in his arms, he stuttered, "Oh I-I wasn't feeling too well. Too much c-candy and all. I'm just going to head ba-back to my flat, rest a bit."

"Alright, well I'll come with you," Remus said, not wanting his friend to be alone, standing up and stretching his lanky legs.

"NO!" Peter exclaimed, his friends flinching at his sudden outburst. Quickly covering, he hurried out, "No, it's fine Moony. I might vomit all over your shoes and the last thing you need is to be sick right now, with the moon and all. Plus, I don't want you to miss the end of the movie! Goodnight, guys." Peter scurried out the door and into the cold night, the mark on his left forearm itching to be touched.

 As the door closed, the remaining shared a concerned look, worried for their smaller friend, their brother. It had been a tense few months, and they didn't fail to notice the toil it took on their troubled friend. But despite their efforts, Peter refused to tell them what was wrong. But they knew he would tell them when he was ready, he was their family. They trusted him.

 Oh, how wrong they were.

With concern still lingering in the air, the adults un-paused the movie and went back to snacking and laughing, unable to notice the dark clouds that fell over their house. And as they spent the night with their eyes glued to the silver screen, worry at the back of their minds for the first night in a long time, a crying Harry Potter was left alone, his sister's crib now cold and empty. It was the beginning to their end, the start to a life with a part of them gone. Forever.

 Or was it?


Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter! Shit is about to go down, so hold on. Like, comment, and let me know what you think! Love yall and Happy Holidays,

The Author

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