chapter 10: dealing with fear

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Waking up earlier than normal, MJ groggily made her way to the bathroom for a quick shower before breakfast. Getting dressed, she left her shirt loosely buttoned and her tie hanging open around her neck while she slipped on her Doc Martens. Working her way down to the common room MJ looked around, walking towards her bubbly blonde friend over by the bookcases.

"Hey Mara, want to come to breakfast with me?"

Amara looked up from the parchment she was writing on, "Sure! Let me just finish this letter to my mum, she wanted me to owl her once I was all settled in."

Once Amara finished her writing, the two girls made their way out of the common room and towards the Great Hall as they idly chatted, passing by students who were also eager to eat their first meal of the day. They sat down at the Hufflepuff table, serving themselves a hearty breakfast of coffee, toast with jam, bacon, and some fresh fruit.

"Alright ladies, timetables are here!" A preppy voice rang out from behind the two. Turning in their seats, they faced the head of the Hufflepuff house, Professor Pomona Sprout.

"Thanks Professor!" The girls chimed in unison, taking their designated slips of paper and reviewing their classes for the year.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays MJ had Divination with the Gryffindors, History of Magic with the Ravenclaws, then a quick break for lunch followed by Transfiguration with the Slytherins and Care of Magical Creatures with all the houses. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she had Charms with the Gryffindors, Herbology with the Hufflepuffs, Potions with the Gryffindors and Slytherins, and DADA with the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins. On Fridays, she also had Astronomy with the Slytherins and Ravenclaws, which she loved. The Astronomy class was late at night so the students could see the stars, but MJ preferred it that way. She had always been a night owl, so she had no problem staying up late and reading the skies.

"Bloody hell, I've got to start my first class with Trelawney? Somebody save me now..." she groaned, hitting her forehead on the table.

"It probably won't be that bad? She's kinda sweet..." Amara trailed off, sipping as she suddenly became very interested in her coffee, refusing to look anywhere else.

"Yeah, maybe."

It was that bad.

First, they made her climb a long, spiral staircase to make it to the entrance. The school was literally magic, surely, they could figure out a way to get to this class without having to climb up dozens of steep stairs? Once she had finally made it, she ran into Hermione who she chatted with as they waited on the landing. Their conversation was halted as an opening above the landing appeared, a ladder leading up to the classroom itself.

A ladder, seriously?

How was this woman so frail? If MJ was climbing to this classroom everyday like her professor, she would be more fit than Oliver Wood!

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