chapter 11: paranoia

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Despite how much MJ loved Hogwarts, she forgot how busy school could be. Before she knew it, it was October, and the Great Hall was decorated with Halloween decorations galore. Floating pumpkins in the sky danced with the candles, a stormy sky overtaking the ceiling, and the tables were decorated with different fall-colored fabrics, gourds, pinecones, anything that even remotely resembled the fall spirit. With October came the first Hogsmeade visit for the third years as well. It was a special day where third years and up were allowed to visit the small town that resided outside of Hogwarts. With cute little shops, cafes, and taverns, it was the perfect relaxation day for the students to get away from their studies and spend more quality time with their friends. But MJ faced a dilemma: she needed to get a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian so she could go. Which is why the Hufflepuff found herself begging her Head of House, Professor Pomona Sprout, to sign it for her instead.

"Please, Miss, you are technically my guardian whilst I'm in the castle. Can't you sign it?"

Professor Sprout turned around to face the young girl who was following her down the hallway, making MJ almost run into her figure before stopping herself. "I've told you already dear, we are not permitted to sign your slips for you. Did you not try asking your guardian over the summer?"

"Yes, I did. She didn't exactly approve. But you know how difficult muggles can be sometimes!" MJ could still feel the belt buckle bashing her spine; she had made the mistake of asking her matron's permission when she was drunk off her rocker. She thought she was capable of persuading the old hag in her vulnerable drunken state. It didn't go quite as expected.

"Then I am sorry Miss Smith, but there is nothing I can do." Professor Sprout looked at the defeated young girl, an apologetic look on her face. "There will be other students who aren't going as well, perhaps you could spend the day with them?"

She walked off, leaving the Hufflepuff girl to walk back down the hallway, her permission slip crumpled in her hands and stuffed into her jeans. They didn't have to be in uniform that day, so MJ sported a pair of black jeans with a forest green sweater Mrs. Diggory had knitted for her the year prior. With the weather growing colder, she also sported a thick fleece-lined black flannel. Her black lace-up boots splashed in a puddle as she neared her friends, shaking her head as they all let out a breath of disappointment.

"No luck?"

"Nope. Even from hell that wench manages to screw me over," MJ replied with a scowl on her face.

"Well, we could go down to the kitchens? Maybe have a picnic on the Quidditch pitch-"

"No, Kev. You guys have been looking forward to this trip all month. Go, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Amara asked, sandwiched in between Cedric and Kevin as they looked to their friend. The full moon was coming up, MJ knew Kevin needed the fresh air and time away from the castle to prepare. Not to mention he needed to restock his supply of Sugar Quills and chocolate to satisfy his sweet tooth. And Cedric had been so stressed with Quidditch practice, they had been practicing nonstop in preparation of their upcoming matches. He needed a break, and Amara was looking forward to getting some new books from the shop since she read through all the ones she brought with her already. MJ always joked she should have been a Ravenclaw since the blonde girl could always be found reading in front of the fireplace.

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