chapter 5: fourteen years later...

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As time went on, Jae grew to be a beautiful young woman

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As time went on, Jae grew to be a beautiful young woman.  Her hair stayed dark as night, her small curly locks shaping into long waves which cascaded down her back. She would constantly run her fingers through her hair, preferring it to be loose and unruly, no matter the number of times Ms. Hitch would forcefully drag a comb through the many tangles.

She saw it as an act of rebellion against the old hag, and for some reason just felt right.

Her stunning hazel eyes complimented her creamy skin, bringing out the light freckles that dotted along her nose and cheekbones. Her lips were always chapped due to her bad habit of biting them, sometimes to the point where it drew blood. It was an anxious habit for her, the slight sting of pain always distracting her from the matters at hand. While standing at 5'3 was normal for girls her age, her underfed body left her with a smaller build than most. In the time she spent at school, she ate as much as she could. Quidditch gave her some muscle definition, but come summer at the orphanage she would lose that weight and come back to the school in the same shape as she was before. Of course her friends all noticed, but they didn't mention it to her.

They were wary of her situation and home life, and she thanked them for not making a big deal out of it. She felt guilty when they worried over her, and despite her normally relaxed attitude she would grow defensive and snap when they pried too hard. Afterwards she would always apologize with cookies from the house elves and a bottle or two of fire whiskey from her stash, and they would move on like nothing ever happened.

She had a carefree yet loving attitude, always looking after the younger children in the orphanage, taking their punishments and giving them her food portions when they were hungry. But she still caused mischief when she could, her signature smirk always etched upon her freckled face as the horrified screams of Ms. Hitch echoed through the home. Suffice to say it wasn't always the best combination.

Ms. Hitch, the orphanage owner, had grown up disciplining the child both physically and mentally in an effort to fix her, a freak as she so called the girl. On some occasions even "devils spawn". It was a personal favorite of Jae's. She would often resort to physical violence, burning her arms with the stubs of cigarettes, lashing at her with the belt, even locking the poor girl away to starve for days at a time when she misbehaved or showed signs of magic. But that was normal in the orphanage. It was all she knew.

Despite this, the girl never showed weakness in her stony facade, but she resorted to closing herself off most of the time; sneaking sips of the hag's alcohol stored in hidden cabinets or smoking on the roof, a habit the young teen had picked up on very quickly. Yes, she was aware it was bad for her. And no, she didn't give a rat's arse about it.

When her 12th birthday approached on November 1st, the date which she was found since the girl was left with no information, Jae Smith was approached by an old man adorned with a long gray beard and funny looking clothes who claimed she was a witch. He took the girl to Diagon Alley to gather her school supplies, all the while Dumbledore couldn't help but recognize his past students in the girl. For now, he kept his suspicions to himself, wanting to make certain his thoughts were correct. Little did he know the pain and suffering he was putting her through while doing so.

She had been admitted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she was sorted into the house of Hufflepuff (shocker right?) and met her best friends. Amara Stone, the gossipy blonde who always flirted with boys; Kevin Turner, the charismatic badger with a love for pranks and a slight furry problem; and Cedric Diggory, Hogwarts' Golden Boy who happened to be two years older than the rest of the trio but watched after them like a cool mom on vacation. Oddly specific, but it fit him so well she couldn't help it. They were their own small family, they looked after each other no matter what.

And now the group was heading into Jae's 3rd year, writing to each other ecstatic about the upcoming year and the mischief that would come along with it. Little did they know, far away in Godric's Hollow, a family stared mortified at a newspaper, its bold headline reading:




They were in for one hell of a year.


Finally finished with the prologue! Act one will be next, it will have POA-GOF. I am so excited for the characters to all interact, so let me know what you want to see! As always, like, comment, and enjoy my shitty writing!

The Author

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