chapter 14: jealousy

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Cries filled the air as Remus paced rapidly back and forth, fingers running through his disheveled hair. "I don't know what else you want from me!" He exclaimed, the cries getting louder as he pleaded. "I have done everything I can think of, please just give me a break! Please! I am begging you!"

Pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, Remus let out a large shaky exhale. Locking eyes with the individual sitting across from him, the werewolf tried once again. "Just give me a sign here, alright? Just say the word and I'll do it!"

He held his breath as he awaited her answer, a bead of sweat lining his furrowed brow.


Remus groaned, regretting his decision to babysit Malia and Harry that night. Lily and James had been stressed to the extreme, so Remus had generously offered to babysit the little ones so they could have some time to themselves.

And at first, it wasn't that bad. At least until Harry had stolen Malia's favorite stuffed animal, setting her on a path of vengeance even Voldemort would be jealous of. He had managed to get Harry to bed and the toy back to Malia, but the poor girl just wouldn't stop crying no matter what he tried.

Looking for a new distraction for the little girl, he pulled out his wand and crouched in front of her highchair. "Please let this work," he thought.

"Ardeo Innoxium!" Soft flames flowed out of the tip of his wand, the blue hue reflecting against Malia's tear-stained face. Miraculously, her cries quieted, eyes trained on the flickering azure flames as Remus laughed in disbelief. His joyous laughter was soon joined by Malia's giggles, the blue light filling the room with warmth as the two shared a moment that the werewolf would remember forever. A feeling he would never forget.

He never thought he would experience that feeling again. Especially not after... everything.

Until then.

He was on his way to see Edward Gibbon, a first year Slytherin who had been struggling with adjusting to his house. The professor had found him hiding late one night in a dark corridor, as well as the two nights following after that. He would sit with the boy and talk, and though Edward never talked much himself, he would sit and listen.

The boy kind of reminded Remus of a younger version of himself.

Remus would speak of his friends, how he was scared to meet people at first when he came to the school too, but once he grew more confident in himself, he was able to do the things he always wanted to. Edward would quip in every now and then, but the boy remained relatively quiet. Except for when he told funny stories about Sirius (those were the young boy's favorite).

So when he returned to the corridor the next night, the last thing he expected was to hear a fit of giggles from the normally reserved boy. Peeking around the corner, he noticed MJ Smith -an older Hufflepuff girl from one of his classes- sitting with the boy, leaning in as she animatedly spoke.

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