chapter 6: platform 9 3/4

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The stale morning air nipped at her skin, the murmur from the busy street playing like music to her ears. She pulled her jacket tighter around her torso, letting out a fogged breath as her eyes flitted around the downstairs parlor as she sat on her trunk. The dark-haired girl was chilly, the fall breeze from the open windows whipping her hair around and making it crazier than usual, but she couldn't care less.

This was it. Counting the days, hours, and minutes that seemed to never end. Finally, she had waited all summer and now it was here. The day that Jae could finally leave for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She had woken up earlier than usual that morning, in fact she barely felt like she slept at all. Jae was buzzing with anticipation to go back to Hogwarts, to her home.

Over the summer she had been stuck at the orphanage again. Barely any contact with her friends and no privileges to go out with the other older children. She was a freak, like Ms. Hitch liked to call her, and she wasn't allowed outside unless she was doing chores or shopping for groceries. Of course, that didn't stop her from climbing out the fire escape window from her room for nightly adventures.

Jae would often wander the streets of London aimlessly, a cigarette in one hand and her Walkman in the other, headphones blasting her favorite songs from bands like ABBA and Queen. She found that time passed quite well, given there was nothing to do at Ms. Hitch's other than staring at walls and counting the seconds in a day.

It was 864,000 by the way, Jae counted multiple times.

Ms. Hitch... where could she even start to describe the horrid woman? Over the years she had shown her nothing but cruelty, abusing her for the things she did wrong and criticizing anything she did right. Jae had eventually learned to just not give a fuck and not bother listening, but her attitude had gotten her more punishments than she could count. There was never a week that could pass without children of the orphanage seeing Jae rocking a black eye or cut lip. She was only allowed a reprieve when she was to be in public or go back to school, so as to not raise suspicion of the hell hole she was in.

But now, as she watched the old grandfather clock tick with every agonizing second, all of it swept out the door as she thought of seeing her friends. It was now 9:00 sharp, and the hazel-eyed girl shot up from her position as the orphanage owner drunkenly sauntered down the stairs, her morning glass of whiskey in her hand while the other gripped the hand railing so as to not fall down.

"Pathetic" Jae thought.

"Do not misbehave whilst you are gone, or I will hear about it from your freak school, do you understand, child?" Slurring, she peered down at the girl from the bottom step of the stairs.

"Yes Madam," she replied in a bored monotone voice, making sure to hold eye contact with the old hag. Normally she would be all for annoying the hag, but this was the one morning she couldn't risk it. Not when she was so close to freedom.

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