Lessons ARE Blessings: THINK ABOUT IT!

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So last chapter I said I would talk about blessings but I kind of want to twist that into how my lessons turned into overall blessings. Now last couple chapters I talked about me going to jail, well there's a part two to that story. But it's not the part 2 you would imagine; awkwardly enough I got arrested because I got scammed. Not so surprising in ATL as it would've been if I was in Florida. But let's get into some THANGZZ!

August 26, 2022
So, me and my best friend were moving to a new house. (Side note: Since Feb 2022 I started looking at easier ways to have my own and save money. I came across this website called PadSplit cheap as hell honestly. 150 per week or 215 every other week vs. 1,200 rent for a one-bedroom BITCH please I'm cheap but I'm in a house don't have to worry about paying water, lights, trash nothing call me what you want to, but I think I got a BLESSING out of LESSONS! I'll tell y'all that lesson soon). I was trying to find help moving out to another house, but I remembered that they had this Facebook group called "Cash Lyft/Ubers in Atlanta"; after thinking about it I was like hopefully they have someone in the group that'll help with moving or rents their moving truck.... CHILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I made a post in the group and was like "Anybody know who rent moving trucks or help move?" About 3 people hit me up I somehow went with the damn scammer. We set everything up. The deal originally 125$ for 4 days but me being a negotiator; on top of him being a scamming ass nigha....i managed to only pay 80$ for 4 days. After having it the 4TH DAY I was being pulled over.... Now I got this damn U-Haul on Friday around 4pm AT THE UHAUL PLACE IN THE DUDES NAME! the 4th day would be Tuesday. THESE YT FOLKS...pulled me over in the U-Haul while I was turning around w/ guns pointed...nigha talking about put your hands up...I said "nigha you don't got to tell me twice"...car rolling and all when I tell y'all I thought I was about to die.... but by the grace of God I did everything they asked Nd just asked for my lawyer. My best friend at the time who is now my fiancé did everything he could to get me out before the weekend; I was I in there from Tuesday- Thursday Night: "Friday Morning". He tried asking my folks they couldn't sign bond because they aren't in GA but now my ex who signed it the first time had the AUDACITY to say he deserved an apology and that "he knew I would need some money to help" and the fact that my dad/best friend already told him I had all the money he still kept going back and forth and making excuse after excuse. Luckily my fiancé had worked it all out and was able to sign for me but the fact that he did all that JUST TO SAY... "you're always pushing me to the side or canceling plans w/ me and I felt like I deserved an apology before I even helped you because I don't want to be left again or alone again" and all this sentimental bullshit...I'm like "nigha you ARE NOT MY NIGHA what in the everlasting gobstopper brain do you have up there for you to think I'm obligated to spend time w/ you or obligated to have any type of dealings w/ you YOURE MY EX" him and his feelings nd shit got hung up on and never to be thought about again because of the fuckery. Now don't get me wrong...I can be very unfriendly at times...very mean and not in the mood...most of the people I surround myself with are not on that type of sentimental stuff....me being gay I'm not on that sentimental stuff but at the time my faith in me and my ex-Devin being friends was not going to happen. I was over him and the situation and after while just started to fade away from being his friend after 1 1/2 years of a toxic mental relationship.
After that conversation be and Devin never converse anymore. It was never really a problem, but I just cannot associate myself with someone who is such a narcissistic person.

After having a lot of experiences with so much hurt and pain; I suppose I choose to think that every lesson is a blessing. I've been growing more than I care to admit but it's helping me understand my life's mission. As a child I always wondered "WHY?!? Why do I keep getting hurt? Why do I keep going thru this I'm only a child? What did I do"
The answer to all those thoughts NOW is "NOTHING! You did nothing wrong this made you the man you are today. You were groomed to be a protector, a savior. Someone saved you once after all those years MY FATHER saved me ND protected me the way he thought would help Nd honestly, I could not thank him enough. It's hard to believe but it's true. Give it back. Save someone or multiple someone's and create a better world! Create everything you didn't have for people NOW! Create your world the way you wanted as a child and make sure NO ONE takes that away from you! EVER!"
When my time comes to change the world, I will already be mindful, empathetic, sympathetic, understanding, HUMBLE and I will make sure my name is on that! No matter what I've been thru I've never let that stop me! I've been to jail 2x, raped, beaten, jumped, thrown out, put thru foster care, dealt with manipulative people, dealt w/ some of the worst things children could go thru. I'm happy to say I've lived and learned more than I can admit or even understand!
Today I can say I'm learning from every lesson! Because every lesson turns out to be a sort of blessing. I will keep going! I will remain resilient, humble, golden hearted, beautiful minded, optimistic, smart individual I have always been! No matter how I've always lived. IVE LIVED! Learned! And still doing so! IM HAPPY!

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