The Gambling Ring/dusgues And A Fake Story/Help From Cream

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Amy's pov

"There they are!" I pointed to sonic and the gang waiting in an alleyway "you were right jet. You found them no problem!"

"What did I tell you" jet puffed his chest out proudly "not only am I a amazing theif I'm also an amazing tracker"

"Let's go scold him" cream said determedly.

"Wait" jet stopped her "I have a better Idea. They're trying to get into that gambling ring right? Then let's get in there before they do. That would really bruise his ego"

"That's genius!" I hugged him tightly "alright team we're going to need disguises but I feel like we could really pull this off!"

Sonics pov

"According to our sources eggmans in there" tails muttered as he looked over at the gambling ring.

"What would he be doing in there?" Chris asked.

"Most likely recruiting someone" knuckles growled.

"Or looking for info on the chaos emeralds" tails muttered worriedly.

"Either way we'll put a stop to it!" I gave them a confident grin "I'll just rush inside before that guard sees me"

"That's all well in good sonic but what about when we get inside?" Knuckles spoke up "we're supposed to be spying on eggman. How do we get close to him without drawing any unwanted attention?"

I paused "I didn't really think of that"

"Of course you didn't" he rolled his eyes.

"It's alright guys. I'm sure we'll think of something" chris said reassuringly.

"Hey what's that?" We looked over to where tails was pointing. Standing there was jet, cream and amy in disguises!

"What are those idiots thinking!" Knuckles yelped "we gotta stop them before-"

"Wait!" I held him back "let's wait this one out"

So we sat and watched..

"Excuse me sir" Amy spoke first "me and my siblings were hoping to see our father, he's inside"

"Sorry little lady but no children are allowed inside" the man said firmly.

"But it's an emergency" she said firmly "my brother is terrible sick and our father accidentally took all his medication with him"

"Ohh" jet groaned and laid his head against her shoulder to seal the act.

"Please mister. I don't want my big bro to get any worse" cream looked at him with those big teary eyes.

The bouncer sighed "alright kids. We'll make an exception just this once"

"Thank you" the three said politely as the man let them in.

"Whoe they're good" chris muttered in disbelief. I smirked to myself.

Seems I underestimated them.

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