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Jets pov

I hugged my knees as I sat in the corner. I'm stuck in an alternative universe. What if I never go home. What if I never see wave and storm again! I listened in to what the others were muttering.

"Poor kid. He looks miserable, even I'm starting to feel bad" the red guy snuck a glance at me.

"We're all in the same boat" the hedgehog sighed "all of us just want to go home"

"Yeah but at least we have each other. It doesn't seem like he has anyone" the fox looked at me with pity.

I groaned. Who do those guys think they are talking about me like I'm some charity case. They got some nerve-

"Hey there" I jumped and spun around to see a small rabbit girl "my name is cream. What's yours?"

"Jet. Now please leave me alone" I turned my back to her.

"I understand why you're sad Mr Jet. I'm far away from my mommy and I miss her terribly" she teared up slightly. I clenched my fists. Damn kid got me going soft!

"Alright kid you had any breakfast yet?"

"Not yet" she looked at me curiously.

"Come on then. Let's find you something to eat" I scooped her up.

"But mr jet we're not allowed down there" she clung to me nervously.

"Don't worry kid. We'll be super sneaky" I winked at her as we snuck downstairs.

We reached the bottom of the stairs where a butler was waiting. We snuck past him and into the kitchen.

"Alright kid get on my shoulders and grab everything you can carry" I grinned.

She nodded and climbed on my shoulders, grabbed all the junk food her little arms could carry. We raced upstairs giggling to ourselves and snacked on a very unhealthy breakfast. By the end of it both of us had forgotten how miserable we were...

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