Chapter 6 - Rooftops

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"Okay, so should we start by asking NPCs for info on how to start a guild?"

"Yeah, that's probably a good place to start," Klein replied to you as you both walked through town. "I don't see any around though."

"I have an idea. Follow me," you said.

Turning into an alley, you walked to the stacked cargo boxes at the end and started using them as a way to climb onto the rooftops. When you were halfway up, you looked back to see Klein still standing on the ground.

"(Y/N), are you sure about this?"

"Yeah," you said, dangling one arm as you looked at him. "Aren't you coming?"

"Uh, are you sure it's safe?"

You placed the dangling hand on your hip.

"Do I look like I'm hurt?" you retorted. "Besides- I didn't think 'Mr. Guild Master' was scared of a stack of wooden boxes."

"I'm not scared!" He yelled, clenching his fists and turning red. He climbed up next to you and stopped. "See?"

You looked at him next to you huffing and laughed. You continued climbing to the rooftop with him climbing behind you.

Once on the rooftop, you walked to the edge of the roof and looked through the town square. There were more people in town today than last night.

Klein came and stood next to you, then pointed to a man standing on the corner of the square.

"There's an NPC- let's go ask him!"

Nodding, you looked down at the ground below. Klein was already walking back to the boxes by which you got on the roof with. You turned and followed him.

You both walked around the edge of the square to talk to the man with his name floating over his head. From what you could see, he was blind in one eye.

Klein smiled to the man.

"Can you tell us how to start a guild?" he asked.

The man looked at you and Klein for a moment, and then answered.

"Everyone in your group must be at least level 3," he said in a gravelly tone. "Once you form a party, then you can register everyone that is level 3 or higher as part of your guild."

You nodded to thank the man and Klein smiled and waved as a way to say thank you.

Walking off, you asked Klein if he needed anymore info.

"I don't think there's anything else we need to know," he said. "It's 11:00 now- we have an hour. What do you say to an early lunch?"

"Yeah, that's fine," you said.

Walking into the restaurant, you each sat down and ordered.

"It's a good thing that you only have to be a level 3 player to have a guild," Klein started.

"Yeah," you agreed, "Especially considering we're level 2."


You folded your leg under your other one and put your hands in your lap.

"You know, it kind of scares me that I'm not freaking out over all of this. I feel like I should be, but I'm not." you looked down at your hands.

"I was thinking that too." Klein said. You looked up at him, allowing a piece of hair to fall in your face. "Of course, I want to get back to the real world- but it's almost like everything is too surreal. Maybe I just haven't accepted it all yet."

You nodded and sat in silence.

Your food came, and you both ate in silence for a minute like dinner last night.

"Maybe we should all leave the town as soon as possible, Klein," you quietly suggested. "I noticed more people are in town today, and if we left after the group meeting, we could all get more practice in the fields on the way to the next town."

"How far is the next town from the front lines?"

You pulled up the floor map in your dashboard.

"Well, looking at this, I would say it's about a 2 hour walk." you then closed the map. "So that's not too bad."

He nodded.

You took another bite of your lunch.

"(Y/N), how did you see Kirito and I practicing in the field yesterday? Neither one of us noticed anyone."

"I was trying to raise my stealth points, and I just happened to see you two and recognized Kirito. I'm sorry if it kind of freaked you out," you replied.

"No, I just thought it was cool that we didn't notice you."

You smiled.

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