Chapter 23 - I Didn't Get to Say Goodbye

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Am I dead?

It was almost as if the computer was deciding what to do with you. Everything was black.

I should be dead. My HP hit zero, right?

I never even got to say goodbye to Klein.

You stopped your thoughts for a moment as that sank in.

I don't want to say goodbye to Klein!

You tried to move, only to find that you were stuck.

I want to live!

You felt your teeth being clenched together.

I want to go on dates with him!

I want to get married to him, just like he said we would!

I love him! I love Klein so much!

Everything then became very bright. You blinked a couple of times in the light and tried to move once more- finding that you now could.

A faint 'You Have Been Logged Out' banner displayed itself in front of your eyes.

Reaching slowly up to your head, you felt the familiar NerveGear on your head. You pushed it off and sat it in your lap.

I'm alive. I'm out of Sword Art.

You felt a wide smile grow across your face. Looking at your arms, you saw that a good portion of your muscle was gone- but you were alive.

A nurse walked into your hospital room.

"Oh!" She said, stopping. "You're back!"

"I... am," you weakly said, trying to use your real body's vocal chords.

You then remembered Klein, and tried to get out of the hospital bed. The nurse, shocked, ran over to you and made you lie back down on the bed.

"You're far too weak," she said. "You'll be able to get up in a few days."

"Is... there a man here..." you weakly asked, "named Tsuboi Ryoutarou...?"

She crossed her arms, then smiled.

"Would you like for me to check? I need to contact your immediate family anyways."

You smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

She quickly walked out of the room and you heard shuffling from other nurses and doctors in the hallway.

Lying in your bed, you nervously waited for the nurse to return.

You wondered how you got out of Sword Art Online, and if the other players were out too. Maybe you were only out because of a glitch in the game or something.

The nurse came back in.

"(Y/N), I contacted your guardians," she said, picking up a chart. "I also checked the directory, and there is a Tsuboi Ryoutarou here at this hospital."

You beamed widely.

"Is he okay?"

"He was labeled as an SAO player like you, and the others have gotten out of the game, so I'm sure he has too."

You let out a small, happy laugh.

"It's not really my place to ask," the nurse began, "but did you two get to know one another in Sword Art?"

You nodded.

She smiled and checked some other papers in the room.

"When will I be able to leave?" you asked.

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