Chapter 21 - Imprisonment

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Sighing, you pulled on your chains.

You didn't ask for this. All you wanted was to be with Klein... you didn't want any of this possessiveness that was being shown over you. It's all so stupid- Issin acting like a child in a man's body, putting multiple lives on the line so he can get what he wants. 

Hearing footsteps, your body tensed in anger at the situation.

You watched as PoH approached your cell and leaned on the bars.

"The man who brought you here... what was his name? Issin? He was killed out there in that skirmish a week ago by some outraged spiky-haired man."

Could that have been Klein? You immediately shoved the thought out of your mind.

"Why are you bothering to tell me this?" you asked monotonously.

The corners of his mouth curled up.

"Well, it means you're no longer his property," he said. "As guild leader, the possessions of members who are killed come to me."

Disgusting. What the heck is with this guy? At least he doesn't know about Klein.

"I'm not anyone's property, and I'm certainly not yours."

He slightly laughed, opened your cell door, and walked in to you.

"You see, I think you and I are a lot alike, (Y/N)," he said.

"I beg to differ," you spat.

Still smiling, he picked up some of your hair and let it run through his fingers. You moved your head away.

"Well, for starters, you and I both wear cloaks," he smoothly said, slightly turning your cloak's fabric. "We are also very cunning, you and I."

"That doesn't mean anything," you said.

"Ah, but you and I have also harmed other players," PoH calmly said.

"Don't act like you have sufficient information on me to pull that statement out as evidence," you casually retorted. "I can assure you that our motives and frequencies are quite different."

"It seems as though I struck a nerve," he chuckled. 

You were silent for a moment.

"Why have you still kept me alive?" you asked. "I figured someone like you would have killed me the moment I was brought here."

"Don't judge a book by it's cover," he said, raising his index finger. "Going by your armor color, I'd say you're part of the guild that killed Issin. If so, they'll see your location, and possibly continue trying to find us to get to you."

He then moved even closer to you, causing you to scowl.

"If anything else, we can have you join our guild," he quietly said. "I know you're skilled."

"Get away," you growled. "I'm not skilled, I'm not killing anyone, and I'm not joining your 'guild.'"

"As if you'll have a choice," he said with a laugh, walking out of the cell and closing the barred door. You listened to his footsteps as they walked away down the hall.

"I have to get out of here. Now," you angrily thought. Looking up at the shackles on your wrists, you grabbed the chains leading to the ceiling and began to pull your body up. You were lucky that each shackle was on it's own individual chain, allowing you to hold both chains in one hand- thereby rendering your other hand free.

Quickly, you accessed your dash and grabbed your sword from your inventory. Looking at the gear that was holding your wrists up when you were on the ground, you found the pin holding the gear in place. If you could lodge that free with your sword, it would get rid of the restraint on your wrists. Leaning back and forth, you started swinging back and forth to reach the gear on the other side of the room. You began tapping the pin when you could reach it, slowly wiggling it out of the gear. After about five or six taps, the pin finally fell out and you were immediately dropped onto the ground.

Why was this place even created?

Picking yourself up, you began hacking away at the shackles on your wrist with your sword- only to see the purple 'immortal object' icon appear over it. Biting your lower lip, you knew only one other way to get out of this.

Leaning over, you laid your left wrist on the ground, holding your sword in your right hand. In one motion, you raised your sword and brought the blade down onto your wrist, slicing off your own hand. You watched your hand splinter into pixels.

Lifting your arm up from the shackle, you looked at the stump where your hand was. It would respawn in a few seconds, so you had to wait. Finally, it began to glow teal and your left hand reappeared. You then repeated the same thing to your right hand and waited for it to respawn.

Once it respawned, you opened your dash and removed a peach-colored crystal. Utilizing it to refill your HP, the crystal then exploded into shards when it finished being used. Fully restored, you walked over to the gate and slid it open as quietly as possible, thankful it was unlocked. 

Placing your bow and quiver on your back, you kept your sword in your hand and began slowly walking in the direction that PoH went in when he left your cell- not wanting anyone to hear your footsteps.

After a couple minutes of walking through the dark and empty hallway, you came to a large room. Peeking around the corner, you looked into the room to see a large congregation of red players on the left, and then turned to the right to see two large double doors open and a man walk into the dark room from the bright outdoors.

Eyes widening, you immediately recognized that as an exit point, and started creating a plan in your head to get out of here. You had only one plan, although it wasn't a very good one.

Taking a deep breath to assuage your nerves, you put your sword in your holster and grabbed your bow, loading an arrow. Then, once the man who walked in through the door joined the congregation of red players, you bolted across the room- greatly over-extending your legs to be rid of this place and of Laughing Coffin.

"Hey! She's getting out!" you heard a man yell.

Turning your head as you continued running, you saw a man pointing at you.

You fired an arrow into his right shoulder as you ran, ignoring the yelling and shuffling of the other players.

Finally reaching the door, you threw it open and placed your bow on your back, running out of the door. You pulled your sword from it's holster and continued running, adrenaline coursing through your body.

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