The Outlanders Who Caught the Wind (Part I)

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The war has already begun.

It is just a continuation of past battles.

The gods goad us on with the promise of their seven treasures.

Rewards for the worthy.

The doorway to divinity.

Yet buried in the depths of this world lies smoldering remains, a warning to those that dare trespass.

"That throne in the sky is not reserved for you."

But mortal arrogation never stops.

None will escape the flames.

See for yourself...

Prologue: Act I Part I

"Hey... ou... awake? ...ello?"

'Ugh... what is that?'

"Please... ake... up!"

'Huh...? Who's voice is that?'

Your eyes flutter open as a luminescent light welcomed you for a while until it faded away, it was still somewhat blurry, however, you could make out what appears to be a boy with long blonde hair that was tied into a braid looking down at your frail form with worried gleaming golden eyes.

"Oh! Thank goodness... I wasn't sure if you were going to wake up!" You blinked a few times, giving the blurriness time to subside until the face of the blonde was more visible. His honey-coated skin shimmered radiantly against heaven's gaze. Taking notice of his abnormal choice of clothing, which consists of a dark-brown crop top, sweatpants with boots, and a white scarf with yellow accents. He was good-looking; you couldn't deny it. A heavy grunt escaped your lips, attempting to lift your body to sit up straight.

"Hey, hey. Take it easy. Wouldn't want you to get hurt more now," The young boy reassured you, his voice exuding a comforting warmth, despite its slight huskiness.

As you mustered your voice, you inquired with a hint of hoarseness, "Where... Am... I?" Your senses were slowly returning as you lay there, disoriented and in need of answers.

The boy responded with a gentle relief in his tone, "You were asleep and were about to get attacked by a group of monsters, but thank goodness I was there to save you!" He sighed before brightening up with enthusiasm, his demeanor oddly soothing.

With a display of mystical power, a bag materialized out of thin air, a sight that left you slightly shocked. The boy rummaged through it until he found a leather-fabricated bottle filled with water, which he held up to your parched lips. The cool liquid flowed down your throat, bringing both relief and comfort as it rejuvenated your senses.

After you had your fill, you returned the bottle with a weak but grateful smile, appreciating the stranger's kindness in your moment of need.

"Thank you."

"No problem. My name is Aether. What's yours?" Aether asked, "(Y/n)." You simply replied. You took the time to look at your surroundings with your (E/c) eyes scanning the area, noticing the vast open ocean along with the soft warm sand that seem to hug you around like a warm coat as well as the bit of vegetation. Eventually, you come to terms that you were currently residing at a beach. Still unrecognizable, though the last thing you remembered was...

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