Secret Pirate Treasure

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Pavo Ocellus Chapter: Act I

In the grand halls of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, you, Aether, and Paimon roamed the corridors. Your (E/c) eyes fixated upon a certain Cavalry Captain, whose gaze darted incessantly, a hand beneath his chin in profound contemplation, "This is bad... Such a hassle... What am I going to do...?" Kaeya murmured with palpable concern, though his words were still discernible.

"What's wrong, Kaeya? You don't usually lose your chill." You inquired. Relief and delight emanated from Kaeya's starlit blue eyes as he turned to face you, "Oh, thank the Thousand Winds! (Y/n), your arrival must be the grace of the gods! If I may ask - envoy sent by the Anemo God to save this mere mortal - could you spar moment?"

"Ew! Cut it out!" Paimon interjected, her displeasure evident as she stamped her foot mid-air, "And stop ignoring Aether and Paimon! Is this going to be a normal thing?"

"Tell us what happened." You said, ignoring the girl's rants.

"Marvellous! I cannot let my peers hear about this! I cannot seek help from anyone else but you. Please, let us move to somewhere more fit for such conversations. Let's talk in the courtyard just outside headquarters. Come with me."

"What's with the sneakiness...?"

The three of you trailed Kaeya outside, descending to a lower level where a beautifully secluded courtyard, adorned with an array of flowers, awaited. Kaeya scanned the surroundings for prying eyes before turning to you, "This place will do."

Paimon placed her small hands on her hips, "Tell us what it's about already!"

"How should I begin..." Kaeya paused briefly, momentarily collecting his thoughts, "Oh, right, let me tell you a secret first. It's a secret of my past, and I confide in you to keep it."

Paimon performed a motion of zipping her mouth shut, "Don't worry, Paimon's lips are sealed."

Kaeya, swelling with pride, declared, "As a matter of fact, my grandfather was a pirate!"


"... Wait, why do you sound so blithe? Do you think I'm making it up?"

Kaeya sought validation from your expression, sensing none at all, "Look at my eye patch! I inherited it from my grandfather and this is solid proof that we are related by blood!"

Aether, perplexed, rubbed his head, "I never knew you could inherit eye patches."

"My! Aether, how could you not know such common knowledge! This is no different from children inheriting their hairstyles from their parents!"

"Okay, we're getting off topic. What's this all about?" You questioned.

Kaeya concentrated again, "Oh right. Where was I... Oh, yes. Yesterday I was glancing through the notes my grandfather left and stumbled upon records that spoke of a treasure..."

Paimon's eyes sparked, "...Treasure?!"

He nodded, "According to his notes, the treasure is buried in the Lost Arcadian Ruins."


"But the location of the ruins is currently unknown. I've tried searching for clues..."

"Treasure! Kaeya! What kind of treasure is it? Gold? Or better yet, gems?!" Paimon excitedly asked, flying around the blue-haired man.

Kaeya huffed, "Hmph! Treasures that consist of nothing but gold and gems are third-rate treasures... My grandfather's treasure is a sword! A magic sword that grants the wielder unrivaled power!"

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