Troublesome Work

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Tempus Fugit Chapter: Act I

In the Knight of Favonius Headquarters, you fervently implored your companions to indulge in repose within their designated chambers. The unfolding events had been notably stirring, prompting the prudent suggestion to seize a moment of respite. Nonetheless, your curiosity gravitated towards the vast repository of knowledge, beckoning you to explore the library's shelves. Eager to augment your linguistic proficiency and broaden your comprehension of the world, you envisioned delving into the pages of diverse tomes, recognizing that while articulating in speech, your prowess in reading and writing begged refinement.

You entered the library, taking notice that you were on the second floor. The Knights of Favonius library is a splendid sanctuary of knowledge nestled within the heart of Mondstadt. Housed in a grand, soaring tower, this elegant repository of wisdom stands as a testament to the city's commitment to education and culture. Its architecture blends Mondstadt's signature blend of fantasy and reality, with towering bookshelves that seem to stretch endlessly into the heavens, adorned with countless tomes of various sizes and colors. The soft, warm lighting casts a welcoming glow on the rich wooden furnishings, creating an inviting atmosphere for scholars and readers. The library's interior is a haven for those seeking enlightenment and adventure, with meticulously organized sections dedicated to history, magic, geography, and much more. A magnificent stained glass window at the far end of the room, bathed in vibrant hues, showcases an inspiring scene of knights in action, serving as a reminder of the dedication and heroism of the Knights of Favonius. Visitors can be seen throughout the day, engrossed in their studies, hushed conversations, or simply lost in the pages of a captivating book. All in all, the Knights of Favonius library is a place where curiosity is nurtured, where history comes to life, and where the spirit of Mondstadt's brave knights lives on through the written word.

While marveling at the breathtaking scenery, your (E/c) eyes caught sight of Lisa, the electro-vision-wielding librarian, at her desk wearing a weary expression. Her ears caught the sound of your light footsteps heading towards her. Attempting to hide her slight annoyance at a potential book borrower, she spoke, "If you're borrowing a book, please register it in the log. The restricted section is currently not lending any books..."

She looked up to see you in all your glory and smiled, "Oh? It's you, little cutie. It's so good to see you! More refreshing than a strong cup of tea in the afternoon."

Your brows furrowed worriedly at the state she was in. It was quite early in the afternoon and barely anyone in the library apart from you two, "Lisa, you look pretty exhausted. You should have a rest. You need to save your energy."

Her eyes widen at the tone of concern in your voice, cheeks slightly flushed from how considerate you were, "Ahem! I can assure you that I am fine. A little bit of tea should do the trick. Anyway, did you have something you needed... Or did you just come to see me?"

"What if I wanted to see you?" You asked.

"Ooh, a smooth talker. Not what I was expecting."

You lightly chuckled, happy to have lightened up the mood, "Well, in all honesty, I was wondering if there were any book recommendations that could help me gain a better understanding of Teyvat as me and my companions will be traveling a lot."

Lisa hummed with a gloved hand to her chin, "Hmm... Recommended books... Sadly, everything I'd personally recommend is all in the restricted section, which we're not currently lending out. Oh, right. Would you be interested in checking out the Teyvat Travel Guide? I think it would be quite helpful for you as travelers here."

Your head perked up at the name of the book, "Sounds like it will be very helpful. Thank you so much."

"I suppose I can try to find you a copy from the list..." Her emerald-green orbs skimmed through the list, her gloved fingers tracing through each word attentively. However, her shoulders slumped slightly, "Oh dear... That's unfortunate. Our copy is currently being borrowed. That said, it is now overdue..." She read through more of the list, "Come to think of it, quite a few of our books are now overdue. I REALLY wish people would just return their books... On time!"

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