Fantastic Voyage

309 14 2

Hangout: Act I

As you made your way towards the Adventurer's Guild, the anticipation of finding new commissions brimmed within you. Amidst the Mondstadt architecture, your attention was drawn to a figure standing near Katheryne, the Guild's receptionist. A striking presence, he exuded an air of curiosity and eagerness.

The boy turned towards the sound of your footsteps, his face illuminated by a blush and the sparkle of emerald-green eyes, "Ah, it's you! Didn't think I'd be running into you here... Hehe, I guess it's my lucky day. How're your adventures going lately? Did you come here to get a new commission from Kathryne, or to get paid? And where're you going after this? Bet you've got a really exciting adventure lined up, huh?"

His sudden barrage of inquiries left you momentarily taken aback, "I-I'm sorry... You are?"

The boy's blush deepened as he realized his exuberance, "S-Sorry! The name's Bennett. I'm your run-of-the-mill adventurer from Mondstadt! Ah... I'm talking too much, aren't I... I'm sorry... I was just so excited to run into someone I admire so much... And, uh... maybe a little starstruck, too... haha..."

"You... admire me?" You stammered, caught off guard by his unexpected admiration. The notion was unfamiliar, leaving you feeling somewhat self-conscious.

"Of course!" Bennett gushed, his admiration palpable, You're one of the mysterious Travelers, the hero who quelled the Stormterror crisis, and the leader of your own adventure team to boot!" He then turned away, "If I'm being honest... I'm totally jealous of all your achievements..."


Bennett affirmed earnestly, "Yeah, word's been spreading in adventurer circles for a long time now. Your adventure team shows up all over the continent... It might look like you're just handling a bunch of boring commissions, but then, as soon as something big goes down, you're always there!"

"That's just coincidence..."

"Anyway, I just really envy you. You're sort of like... the protagonist of this world, or something. Hahaha..."

You? The protagonist? As if...

"Me, on the other hand, I'm just some unlucky guy. My adventure team even..." A solemn look took over his face before shaking his head, "Ah- never mind, I shouldn't get all down in the dumps in front of someone I admire. I should be open to see what I can learn! Speaking of which... I have a favor to ask."

"Sure, what is it?"

Bennett looked away, face flushed again, "Um... when you go adventuring later, can I come and watch?"

"...You just want to stand there and watch?" You countered, intrigued by his request.

Bennett hesitated, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, "Eh-hehe... Maybe you don't know. I'm a really unlucky person to have around. If you brought me along on an adventure, my bad luck would probably just screw everything up! I don't want to get you into any trouble, so just let me watch from the sidelines... that'd be good enough for me..."

"Well then, sure! Let's go on an adventure!" You proposed, a smile playing on your lips.

Bennett's eyes widened with disbelief, his gratitude evident, "Really? I didn't mishear you, did I? You mean... go adventure with you, just like we'd do if I was on your adventure team?"

You smiled, finding his excitement adorable, "Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

Bennett let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, "Wow! I never thought I'd get an opportunity like this!"

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