Wellspring of Healing

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Hangout: Act I

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Mondstadt, you strolled through the bustling city near the cathedral. The gentle whispers of the wind carried the harmonious tunes of bards, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Amidst the tranquil scene, you heard the distressed murmurs of Sister Victoria, a devoted member of the Cathedral, "I sure hope Sister Barbara is okay..." Intrigued, you followed the sound, finding her near the entrance, her brow furrowed with worry.

"What's happened to Barbara?" You inquired, concern etched across your face.

Upon hearing your voice, she pivoted towards you with a vexed countenance, "Sister Barbara said that she was going out to pick some herbs earlier, but I'm afraid that she has yet to return." Sister Victoria elucidated. Deep in contemplation, she interlaced her arms and pondered, "Hmm... Perhaps I should report the matter to the Knights of Favonius..."

"I'll go search for Barbara." You declared.

"You? Well, I guess as the Honorary Knight, you may very well be a good fit for the task... Not to mention it would save me the trouble of reporting the matter to the Knights..." Sister Victoria mused before reaching a decision, "Alright, I'll leave it to you. Before Sister Barbara departed, she said that she was headed to Wolvendom to pick some herbs. You could start by looking for her there."

"Alright, thanks for the info!"

Navigating Teyvat's intricate cartography, you adeptly followed the map's guidance, seamlessly threading through the diverse terrain until you reached the mystical enclave known as Wolvendom, "Okay, so Barbara is somewhere... How am I supposed to find her in here?" As you venture further into Wolvendom, ancient trees stand tall, their canopies intertwining to create a natural cathedral of greenery. The forest floor is carpeted with vibrant moss and fallen leaves, muffling your footsteps. Shafts of soft sunlight filter through the foliage, casting an ethereal glow on the surroundings. The distant howls of wolves heighten the sense of urgency as you navigate deeper, in pursuit of Barbara's healing presence amidst the enchanted tranquility.

"Huh, how strange... I can't seem to find any..." A soft murmur, distant yet perceptible, reached your ears. Drawing closer to the source revealed Barbara, ensnared in some internal quandary.

"Barbara! I've finally found you." A sigh of relief escaped as you approached the Deaconess.

Barbara startled at the sound of your voice, her initial surprise giving way to relief upon recognition, "O-Oh, it's you! What are you doing here? Is something the matter?" She asked.

"You'd been gone for some time, I decided to come looking for you." You explained.

Barbara dismissed the concern with a shake of her head and a nonchalant wave, "Oh, I see. No need to worry, there hasn't been any sign of danger. I'm just here to gather some red Wolfhook berries, that's all." Then her eyebrows furrowed while looking around, "But the strange thing is, there should be lots of them here.. and I can't seem to find any." S he sighed, casting a smile your way, "Hmm, anyway, no need to worry about me. I'll just have another look around here, and if I can't find any, I'll just-"

"Miss Barbara... Hmm..." An unfamiliar voice called, seemingly looking for the girl right in front of you, "She's not here either..."

Barbara's eyes widened in alarm, "Huh? Somebody seems to be coming this way!" Instinctively, she grasped your arm with a touch too forceful, prompting a wince. Apologies followed swiftly, "Oh, I'm sorry, but... please, just keep quiet, okay? Don't let them find us..."

"Hey, hey, it's alright. Don't beat yourself about it but why would you want to hide?" You inquired.

"Because... Well, just because."

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