Wind, Courage and Wings

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Lepus Chapter: Act I

Strolling through the bustling plaza of Mondstadt, the radiant sun cast its warm glow over billowing alabaster clouds. You and your companions engaged in animated discourse, exchanging thoughts on recent occurrences and charting the course of your day. A splendid day, as the Stormterror predicament lay momentarily dormant, affording citizens a respite from the looming crisis. Meanwhile, the Knights of Favonius deliberated strategically, contemplating their next move. Undoubtedly, it was an opportune moment to bask in a temporary reprieve.

"Hey (Y/n)! I've been looking for you everywhere! How's that wind glider I gave you last time?" Amber's voice resonated, alerting you as you turned to witness the brunette sprinting toward you, adorned with a beaming smile.

"Okay, that's fine. Just ignore us." Paimon sarcastically remarked, prompting Amber to wince in embarrassment. Admittedly, her exuberance to see you may have eclipsed your friends. There might be a subtle inclination toward you, or perhaps not so subtle, as her emotions surged since the incident at the temple. Despite attempting to downplay these feelings, they persist. Her heart races at the mere thought of you, and she couldn't resist the urge to greet you once more.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that."

"It's alright, Amber. And yes, it's actually very fun. Especially when you boost from the wind currents." You enthused, prompting a delightful giggle from the brunette.

"Seems like it's growing on you! But then again, you don't have a gliding licence, do you?"

The trio exchanged perplexed glances, "A gliding licence? Hmm... What's that?" Paimon asked.

"Isn't it obvious? You gotta have a gliding license to legally glide in Mondstadt." You nodded as you thought deeply. It does make a lot of sense, gliding around without a license would cause too much trouble for Mondstadt than it already has.

"Oh... But we have been gliding for ages now. This is the first we've heard about it!" Paimon remarked.

"Yeah, you've been gliding all over the place... Everyone's noticed!" Amber pointed out.

"So, you're going to give us a license?" Aether questioned, prompting Amber's fervent response, "No way! The Knights of Favonius have strict rules! You need to pass an exam, and only then will the Knights issue your license. Today I'm here as an examiner, to oversee your official gliding exams! I gave you your wind gliders, so this is my responsibility - at least, that's what Acting Grand Master Jean would say."

"An exam?!" Paimon recoiled in exasperation, "What a pain in the butt. Then again, since Amber is the examiner..."

"Nuh-uh, Paimon. We are doing this exam fair and square." You asserted with arms crossed.

"B-But, you could just rizz Amber up to give us the licenses with ease!"




Paimon sighed and gave up, seeing as there was no way to get through to you.

"I'm sure you will glide through it! I mean... The whole city saw how well you flew the day that Stormterror attacked, so I'm sure you'll have no problems! I'm sure Aether will do great as well. But we do need to respect the rules and glide properly." Amber handed you a massive book which made you huff in surprise at how heavy it seemed, "Here. Take this gliding manual. No need to memorize it, just be familiar with everything in there." Amber then began enumerating on her fingers, "For example: only one person per wind glider, no carrying anything over the set weight limit, no taking off using an Anemo slime, and so and so forth. Anyway, be sure to read it, okay? I had to read a load of big, thick books too when Lisa was teaching me magic."

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