The Cat and the Cocktail

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Hangout: Act I

As you stroll through the bustling streets of Mondstadt, the vibrant cityscape surrounds you. The sound of footsteps, merchants haggling, and the distant hum of activity create a lively atmosphere. Suddenly, you catch a faint murmur in the air, and as you listen closely, the words become distinct. Intrigued, you follow the mysterious murmuring, in pursuit of the source. Walking closer, you see Nimrod, a fellow citizen, muttering to himself.

"Mmm... drinks at The Cat's Tail. Not bad... not bad at all..."

"The Cat's Tail?" You let aloud.

Nimrod pivoted to acknowledge your presence, "Oh hey, it's you, Traveler. ...Huh? Y-You've never heard of The Cat's Tail? Judging from your expression, seems like you really don't know the place. Boy, have you been missing out... The Cat's Tail is renowned for its incredible specialty drinks. I'm talking drinks you've definitely never tasted before. And just as its name suggests, there are loads of cute kitties at The Cat's Tail. Time simply starts slipping away when you're enjoying a delicious specialty cocktail and surrounded by a bunch of cute kitties..."

'Jeez, he talks quite a lot...' You mused inwardly, genuinely intrigued. Subsequently, you inquired, "Is The Cat's Tail still open right now? I'd like to go check it out."

Nimrod's expression shifted subtly to one of mild concern, "Uh, but you don't seem of age to drink yet." He then eased, "Well, that shouldn't be a problem, Diona will be there. She's the best bartender in all of Mondstadt! It should be a piece of cake for her to whip you up a drink with no alcohol in it. Oh, and not to mention, Diona is also pretty cute... just like a little kitty."

A hiccup emerged from Nimrod's throat seemingly out of nowhere, "Oh no.. did I say that out loud? Uh, please don't tell her I said that!"

"I see, you're drunk." You astutely pointed out.

Nimrod cleared his throat, endeavoring to downplay his prior comments, "Anyway, if you want to check out The Cat's Tail for yourself, the entrance is just around the back. I'm gonna..." He hiccupped again, "...go over there and sober up a bit, don't think I can handle a fifth round quite yet... I drank way too much already."

"Alright, thanks Nimrod. Please get well soon." You waved graciously and proceeded towards the entrance of The Cat's Tail. Upon arrival, the familiar visage of Margaret greeted you, accompanied by the sight of a young girl boasting short, pink hair. A meticulously tied ponytail accentuated her forehead, while her overall appearance exuded the charm of a calico cat, complete with ears and tail.

"All out of ingredients... again. Ugh, I really don't understand why these adults love to drink so much." The girl grumbled in annoyance.

Margaret maintained an unwavering smile, "Because all the drinks you make are so delicious! All it takes is just one sip and they're hooked."

The girl, maintaining a huff and crossed arms, retorted, "Hmph, and I thought self-control was the most important quality of being an adult."

"Well, it just so happens that self-control often falls by the wayside when someone's enjoying one of your delicious specialty drinks!" Margaret countered.

"All that means is that they're nothin' but a bunch of drunkards that don't know when to stop..." The girl retorted, clearly vexed.

"Aww look, it's a kitty." You inadvertently vocalized.

The girl turned towards you with a vehement exclamation, "Hey! Who you calling 'kitty?!' Haven't you seen anyone of the Katzlein bloodline before?"

"Uh... Katz- what?"

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