1. I find absolutely nothing wrong with dating outside your race but I do have a problem with people expressing their anti-blackness after they get in an interracial relationship. For instance, once a person gets in said relationship, they try to disassociate themselves from their blackness and become white identified. I've met a few in my life and these types are mainly the conservative leaning ones. Like Candice Owens kewn ass.
2. The girls who swear they've divested and left the 'blackistan' but talk about black men all fucking DAY. I'm talking about the extreme ones. Yes, I believe there always needs to be conversations about how colorist, anti-black, and violent many black men are but y'all talk about that shit ALL DAY. Willing to sit on YouTube watching Cynthia G lives or other deranged divestment channels and commenting shit about black men all day. That's very "unfeminine" and gives off mental illness vibes. Yes, many black men sit the social media and degrade black women and make all nasty videos about us but how exactly is doing the same thing working for you? What do you gain from reciprocated that behavior. Just date your white man and go. If you were truly divested ain't shit black men wouldn't be the subject of discussion EVERYDAY.
3. Please stop with the Divesting/Swirling cult. There is absolutely not enough black men men to meet the standards of the average working- higher class black woman. I agree that black women should keep their options open in terms of race, but some of y'all need to stop. The way you talk about white men is so fascinating yet disturbing. Y'all uplift white men as if they're some type of rare breed, your saving grace, and will make your life into a fairytale. Some of these hags will try to convince black women under the age of 25 to date white men who are 2x older than them or on the verge of being incompetent shitty diaper ass elder. Please stop holding white men to high standards. Please stop holding ANY MAN to high standards.
4. Soft life/Luxury/ Femininity girls can y'all be original? Be serious, for a minute! I'm tired of these aesthetics. I'm tired of y'all copying everyone on Pinterest/IG with that aesthetic. I'm tired of the actual word "aesthetic". I'm tired of putting a sheet mask on, getting your nails done, or buying a plastic Telfar bag and claiming it's luxury or feminine. Y'all can't be "feminine" without the materialistic shit? Femininity is about what's on the inside, something every woman is born with. "Soft life"is stupid. I believe the it was coined by a Nigerian but then people flipped it into being a docile submissive woman. Y'all can hide behind these aesthetics but it's giving groupthink and lack of individualism.
5. Some of these BW influencers that are dating Asian men are the most annoying and anti-black, PERIOD. You can tell they're more into the man than he's into her.
6. Date who you want to date but don't make it your personality. I hate when someone in an interracial relationship makes it their entire personality, I mostly see black men doing and it's humiliating and degrading. Please don't change yourself for your partner just because they're not the same race as you.