Chapter 2 Harry

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I just arrived at the Order of the Phoenix head quarters and was speaking to Ron when we heard a disturbance downstairs. I was all for finding the source but Ron said we couldn't leave or his mother would be furious. They'd tried listening in before, he said. It didn't go to well.

Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, Ron, and I were all talking in Ron's small bedroom in the headquarters. We stopped talking when we heard Mrs. Weasley say,"I better make sure the kids are still upstairs. Percy you may stay here. After all, new teachers are welcome."

New teachers? You have got to be kidding! What teacher is brand new and welcome immediately into the Order? Do they know him? Is that why he could come in and I couldn't?

I heard Mrs. Weasley tromping up the stairs and started up a conversation again. Didn't want her suspicious.

"So, Ron what did you all mean about me being crazy?" After all, before the noise Hermoine had told me that The Daily Prophet had been out to get me. Ron looked blank but Hermoine cut in.

"Harry, don't take this badly but Fudge, you see Fudge... Oh Harry! Fudge is using all his power to try and keep you from being taken seriously. He doesn't want anyone knowing the truth. He doesn't seem to know it himself though.." She trailed off at the end. Molly went back down the stairs.

"All's well," we overheard her say before the door shut. "If by well it means Harry now knows what the world thinks of him."

I glanced at Hermoine and Ron with those words. I just could not believe Fudge, the Minister of the wizarding world, would turn a blind eye to this threat. It was his job to protect the people. Not lead them away from the truth.

After a long hour or so more of talking we heard Molly yell up, "Come done you lot! Time for dinner."

Maybe we can finally meet this 'Percy' guy.

Percy Jackson-The New Hogwarts TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now