Chapter 9 Percy's POV

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Guys I seriously suggest watching the video above. It's hilarious! Trust me. Ps: thanks a million for the 1K reads! Love you all so much! Warning: it gets stuck in your head!

Ps I don't own PJO or HP. The amazing Rick and Superb Rowling do. No matter much much I wish otherwise.

I was just about to start DLADA (Denfenseless Against the Dark Arts), when Hermoine Granger came up to me. One look at her face told me this was serious. I stood up and took her to the back of the room. Only then, when my face was politely puzzled did she start talking.

"I need you to keep this secret, no matter your answer. Okay?" I nodded. She continued, talking very fast now. "I had this idea that Harry should teach a DADA group. Umbridge can't find out. Thing is Harry is hesitant to do it and I need help convincing him. If I can't get him to do it I was hoping you would help teach in it. We would need a place to do if, of course. Not to mention how to recruit. And..." She rambled on. My thoughts for this idea were mixed. I didn't know what to think honestly. I loved the idea. But the risks involved. Now normally I don't care about the risks. The fact that I am now, is a little worrisome. Oh well. It would be wonderful to be an irk in Umbridge's side. I interrupted Hermoine.

"Hermoine! Listen. I'll think about it and ways to get Harry. I won't tell anyone anything don't worry. But I need time to think about joining. Alright? Just give me some time. But if I join, no record of me joining is allowed. The other students-sure. But don't add me to the list. I suggest meeting in Hog's Head if you can sway Harry. Now we've already used to much class time. Come on it's time to start the lesson. We're trying disarming today."

She nodded then hurried off. I walked back up to the front of the class room.

"Alrighty then. Today we start the disarming maneuver. Pair up and watch this. Then try it."

I called Malfoy up to the front. (Honestly I just wanted to embarrass him) I had him hold his sword and demonstrated how to disarm someone. He freaked when the sword went flying and ducked under my desk. I yanked him up and threw him towards his own desk. I told everyone to pair up once again and then try it out.

Some people in the class made good progress. The Golden Trio and Neville especially. Neville Longbottom. Never thought I would see that kid shine. But since the Death Eater Azkaban breakout, he'd been going crazy with spells. the teachers were a little worried. I resolved to talk to him after class.

Once everyone was battered, bruised, and exhausted I dismissed them early. I called for Neville to stay back. He seemed nervous. I wanted to talk to him about the Death Eater break-out. I knew his family history with that Bellatrix person, so I knew this would be stressful for him.

"Hey, Neville. So I wanted to talk with you..."

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took so long I just had a major brain fart. Anyways thanks again for the 1K reads. It really makes my day whenever I see the number keep going up. Check out the video at the beginning of the chapter. Especially if you had a bad day. I laughed so hard. And sang along.

Love yall so much


Percy Jackson-The New Hogwarts TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now