Chapter 29: Harry's POV then Percy's

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After Percy sent our little group off to the Ministry, I started to think about what he had said.

Percy warned me that someone was going to die. He warned me not to go. He said Sirius wasn't there; not to trust the elf.

But I have to see. I need to make sure Sirius isn't there.

I mean, it's not like Voldemort is going to be there or anything.


Oh great.

He will he won't he?

Whatever. I'm still going.







Ugh. That hurt my brain.

Anyway, we rode on Thestrals to the Ministry of Magic. I've got to admit, it was hilarious watching Ron freak out in the horse that was invisible to him. Really, I was laughing so hard I almost fell off. Then he started laughing at me. Then he actually did fall off. Good thing that Thestrals can move fast.

We arrived at the Ministry close to an hour after we left. It was dark outside. We entered the building and immediately went for the Department of Mysteries. I led our group through the door and saw how many other doors we had to defeat to reach our goal. We tried a door and the room spun. Hermione came up with the amazing idea of marking each door we try.

After about two or three doors, we found the right one and went in.

When we came to the place I saw, no one was there.


Percy's POV

I ran out of the forest after dismissing Harry and Co. I ran straight for my room and started to write a note to Annabeth. It was full of misspelled and very wrongly used words, but I didn't care. I needed to head out to the Ministry. I sent a quick message to the Order, and demanded Sirius stayed home. He put up a fight, but I won in the end.

Right before I left the room, someone cleared their throat. I turned around.

"What are you doing, Percy?" Annabeth asked.

I must've looked like a deer in the headlights because Annabeth walked up to me.

"Percy," she began softly, "I know what you're planning."

"Then why ask?" I tried to laugh. It didn't work. I was after all walking to my death.

She sighed. "Why couldn't you tell me you wanted to do this?"

"I didn't want you to get hurt," I mumbled, resigned to the fact I had to tell her.

Annabeth had tears in her eyes when she looked up. "Percy, I don't want to be without you. Live together--"

"Die together. I know. I just wish that wasn't the case."

"Well it is. I don't want to live without you. Ever. We do this together or not at all."

I let out a weak chuckle. "It's like Tartarus. Except the monsters are Death Eaters."

She smiled and almost started laughing. "And Tartarus is now Voldemort."

"And the pit we're trying to escape is the Ministry."

Annabeth started to laugh. I joined in. I was happy we could joke about that place. It made everything easier.

"Alright, Annabeth. You win. Either we both die, or neither of us. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect. I love you, Seaweed Brain."

"And I, you, Wise Girl."


How adorable.

Some sweet Percabeth moments before the ministry.

Do me a favor though:

Don't kill me next chapter. Or maybe the one after that. I don't know when it will happen.

Love y'all


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