Chapter 8 Ron's POV

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My new by far favorite class is Percy's. It was so much fun to fight without wands. And seeing Malfoy struggle? Priceless. Percy really was a great teacher. I hope he can come back next year.

Yet while I love Percy's Defenseless class, Umbridge's is horrible. We haven't done a single spell. Just a bunch of notes out of a book for five-year-olds. So when Hermoine told me her idea, I almost fainted. She wanted Harry to teach DADA. Is she mental? But as I thought more about it, the better it sounded. And then another idea came and struck me.

"Hermoine... Do you think Percy would help teach it?" I asked rather hesitantly.

She thought. That's more than I thought she would do. She surprised me yet again though by saying, "That might actually be a good idea. Seeing as he could've just graduated it could be helpful. Especially on keeping the club hidden. Let's get Harry's answer first though. Okay?"

I nodded and while we waited for Harry to come back from yet another detention from Umbridge, Hermoine and I played exploding snap.

Finally Harry came in and Hermoine rushed at him with the essence of murtlap. She told him to sit and suddenly I realized how bad Harry might take this. What happens if he hates the idea. He might explode on us again. To late to turn back though, as Hermoine finally said what she wanted to.

"Harry. Ron and I-"

I interrupted her with a cough and a pointed look.

"Oh alright, I have been thinking about DADA. And how we'll never learn anything. V-V-Voldemort really is back and we need to be able to defend ourselves. So I was thinking that we need a teacher. A proper teacher to teach us."

Harry looked confused. "But who? I mean Lupin might do it but he's with the Order. And how could we find him a place anyway?"

Hermoine glanced at me then said, "Harry. I didn't mean Lupin. I meant you."

Silence instilled in the room. (Yes I know big words!)

Harry laughed. But it sounded forced.

"Me? Hermoine I'm a nutter, remember? Who would want me to teach them?"

Hermoine started going on about who and what and where and when and a lot more stuff. I zoned out, already knowing Harry's reaction. I was right.

He practically blew up. The essence of murtlap bowl hit the floor. I was shocked no one ran down the stairs to see what was going on.

Soon Harry calmed down, but Hermoine still looked scared. She went up to bed and I followed, letting Harry think. I had a feeling it would end like that.

The next day Harry had completely returned to himself. Hermoine had told me she plans on asking Percy no matter what because he might have an idea about Harry. And if Harry won't, maybe Percy would. So when she walked up to talk to him in Denfenseless Against the Dark Arts, Harry wondered at it, and I acted puzzled. Throughout the whole conversation his face changed. From surprised to disapproving to amused to impassive. That was the order it went in, and I had no idea how it ended up.

Hey guys! So I've been getting some great feedback from you guys and I'm so excited that this is being read. Thank you all so much. Did I end it on a cliffy?

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