Don't be a Jerk

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Okay, so obviously this isn't a chapter since the story is finished. What this is, is a request of you guys.

That conversation above and right below happened. Two fellow people defended me while this happened.

Look, guys, I'm not offended easily

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Look, guys, I'm not offended easily. You can say a lot to my face, and I won't care at all if it's an insult or not.

But when you do something like what this person did, to anyone, that is uncalled for. I was able to tell most of you joked around when I killed off two characters. You weren't actually calling me a b****. This person did not seem to be joking.

Look, you can think whatever. You can say quite a bit, but you need to know when to draw the line on it all. This conversation opened my eyes even more than they have been, and I myself am becoming more cautious of my words.

Learn from this.

I'm not calling them out. I didn't leave their name there for a reason. This isn't petty revenge; this is fact. You can't be a jerk because you don't like something. Most of you guys know that. I can only hope this person will think before saying this to someone else.

I can only hope that this behavior is not passed on. I deleted the comments. I don't need to look at them; I don't want to. I don't have to do anything with them or take them to heart.

I have never been a victim of bullying at school or on the web. I'm a happy person. I'm confident. This won't tear me down.

But not everyone is me.

You don't know people's stories.

You don't know their life.

They don't know yours.

So be kind to people all right?

It's not near as hard as you might think.

I'm not going to respond to these comments with just as childish words. I'm doing my best to be mature here. I feel I've succeeded.

Guys, this isn't a rant to anyone. Not even the person who said those words. This is a reality check.

Have you done this?

Do you actually enjoy it?

Would you defend someone from it?


You don't have to read anything on Wattpad. You choose. You aren't forced. Don't act like you are. Ok?

I really do love y'all.

I can trust you to do the right thing and defend someone against this. It's been proven multiple times.

Thank you


Percy Jackson-The New Hogwarts TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now