Chapter 11 Percy POV

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I don't own any of the characters. All rights go to Rick Riordan and J. K. Rowling. Except for the plot. That is mine.

Thank you @Hipfudor for the idea on what to do this chapter. I changed it a little but it's your idea just the same. Thanks!

I had finished talking to Neville when I decided to skip dinner, so I went outside to the forest. On the way there I stopped at the lake and looked down. I saw some mermaids there. They looked nothing like the ones at my Dad's palace. They gave me the finger (seriously?) and then swam away. I stared at the water for a moment then walked away.

As I entered the woods something seemed---off. I didn't know how to describe it, but I took out Riptide and uncapped it. I only hoped it wasn't a giant. I could kill it but I don't want to. The thing is: I'm not a complete demigod, but I'm not a complete god either. See, when Zeus first asked me if I wanted immortality, he didn't think I would decline. So he had already started the blessing. That's why I could jump so far in Tartarus over the river. And why the Gorgon's Blood took so long to kill me. Why I could resist Nike's aura. Leo had wondered. So had Annabeth. They still don't know. So if it was a giant, it would only be a pain to kill. Not impossible. Being part both I could kill it alone.

Completely alone.

But what I found instead, we're just as annoying.

Empousai. (I looked spelling up)

Kelli and Tammi to be exact. They hadn't seen me yet so I slipped out of the woods, cast a spell so I'd know if they came out, then ran up to the castle.

When I entered the Great Hall, few people were paying attention. But McGonagall was. She leaned forward watching me curiously, and alerted Dumbledore. I made it to the front and told him to be alert. That monster travel in packs often, and to get the students out of range. He nodded then yelled for the students to go to their common rooms.

I just hoped the Golden Trio listened to him for once.

I went back outside in the crowd of kids fleeing to their dormitories. I was the first outside and my spell still hadn't gone off. I felt a presence watching me, but when I turned around I saw no one. I shook my head then charged for the woods, pulling Riptide out as I ran. I heard a strangled gasp and I turned on a dime.


Not one bloody thing.

Great. Now I sound British.

I warily turned back around and went to find the monsters again. I told the teachers there was nothing they could do regarding fighting, but they could still set up defenses. So what was following me?

Then I remembered. Harry has an invisibility cloak.

I turned and said, "I know you're here Harry. Don't listen to Dumbledore, do you?"

I could practically feel him tense. He knew I knew. It was pointless to hide.

He took off the cloak revealing him, Hermoine, and Ron.

"How'd you know we were here?" asked a flabbergasted Ron.

I raised an eyebrow and replied, "You weren't exactly quiet. And Dumbledore told me about the cloak. Said the information would be useful."

Hermoine had the decency to blush, but Harry and Ron just smirked.

"You guys need to go back inside. You shouldn't be out here."

"You are!" Harry exclaimed. "Why can't we be?"

"Yeah, Professor. Why can't we?" echoed Ron.

"Because you'll die a painful death. There's a difference in school combat and real life combat you guys. No second chances. Now go back before everything hears and is on us before I can walk five steps."

Hermoine grabbed the boys who kept protesting, but not to bring them back to the castle. In fear.

"Well, well, well. Perseus Jackson. We meet again."

(Sooo tempted to stop here. But I continued for you guys.) I also forgot if they did the sssss thing with the s's.

I turned around to face the voice. None other than Kelli and her trainee, Tammi. I really thought that she would have been fully trained by now but I guess she's a little slow.

"Kelli," I said, my voice dropping with hatred. The trio retracted at the sound. Kelli noticed them.

"Ooo! Look! Fresh meat," She counted them. "And an extra! Yum. Leftovers."

"Back off Kelli. It's me you want."

She looked bored. "Well you're not wrong about that. But--- you can get so lame. It's always the same with you. We come we warn you. You try to kill an innocent. Then you kill us. Not as innocent but still not guilty." She batted her eyes for effect. I narrowed mine.

"Back off, Kelli. Or I'll make your death happen now."

She raised an eyebrow, still eyeing the trio.

"And why, Perseus Jackson, would I pass up the opportunity for food?"

She lunged at Harry and was about two inches away from ripping him apart when I turned her to dust. I faced Tammi and she had the brains to run. But I still caught her and then she went poof. Behind me Hermoine gasped and I whirled around, expecting the worst. Instead she was looking at my sword. Like she recognized it. Or the material. I waved it on her face to bring her back to reality.

She backed up as she continued to stare at it then said, "That's Celestial Bronze. But-- I thought that-- that-- THAT STUFF EXISTS?!"

My eyes widened at her knowledge of Greek Weaponry. I was tempted to use the Mist, but I remembered wizards could see through it.

"Umm. Oh, look! A A flying catpigman."

To her credit she didn't look. But Harry and Ron did.

"Very funny. Now what are you even doing with a sword outside of class? Are these the things you were talking about? I don't remember seeing them in class."

I sighed in defeat. I suppose these three would have to know.

"Fine. I'll tell you--"

"Why you fight with a sword instead of a wand?"

I glared at her for the interruption. She wilted.

"Yes. I've told you guys how Greek Mythology intertwined with magic, so take a guess. I'll confirm it if it's right."

Hermoine looked elated that she could think. The boys... not so much. We stood there for a good minute, with me constantly checking for monsters, before--shock-- Hermoine had an idea. She was looking at me like I sprouted a second head.

"A demigod," she said in a small voice.

I stared at her. Then I slowly began to nod.

Sup guys! So I feel like this is longer than normal on the chapter but I was on a roll. But the block is back. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Here's the chapter to make up for it. What do you think the Golden Trio's reactions will be? Remember to:



And Follow

Love u guys.


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