Chapter 27: Harry's POV

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And the new story winner is........

CHAOS STORY!!! I hope you guys will enjoy it too!

Ok so I decided I would finally go back to 1st person. I realized I lost my touch since I started writing in third. There really isn't any dialogue and I just don't convey as well.

I walked along through the forest following Hermione's steps. I didn't really understand what was going on, but I guess there's no reason I couldn't at least try to follow along.

All I got out of her was that we were walking in the Forbidden Forest, and that we might just be going to see our little friend.

And by little I mean 8-10 feet of humanoid figure.

Yep. Very little.

Anyhow, as we were walking, Hermione was talking about a mile a minute, just begging Umbridge to say something stupid that would result in death-by-arrow-from-half-human-half-horse-centaurs.

I think this entire fandom was hoping for her death actually.

Lost in thought, I almost didn't notice the sound behind us. I turned, yet I didn't see anyone.


I wonder who's stalking us?


Do you know?

(A/N omg Dora moment everybody. I'm having a Dora moment)

It was probably some bloodthirsty monster.

Or Percy. Very likely.

"So anyway, Dumbledore said to put it in deep! Can't have anyone stumbling upon it can we?"

Hermione was speaking again.

"Well," Umbridge replied hesitantly, "I suppose. That would make sense."

Wow. Umbridge just complimented Dumbledore. What did I miss?

"Yes, well, there are also a lot of things out here. Especially recently. It's like they're attracted to the weapon. Maybe it's because they don't like the ministry. It has been drawing lines on territory."

"With reason!" Umbridge snapped. "Those monstrous half-breeds need restraining!"

What a wonderful time for an arrow to pierce through the tension and straight into Umbridge's shoulder.

"Ahhhhh! You see! That's why they need restrained!!!" Umbridge's voice faded into a scream.

How come this is so funny?

That thing following us decided to make an appearance. It was Percy.

I knew it.

But seriously, imagine his appearance:

Everything's dark. Flashing lights just come out of no where. All movement ceases. A figure emerges from the sidelines dressed in a cloak made of diamond and--

Yeah he really only stepped out of the brush to talk to the horses.

But I bet that was how he wanted it!

Hope you guys liked the chapter!

Love y'all


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