Deleted Scene: Chapter 30 Harry's POV

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Recap: When we arrived at the place I saw Sirius, no one was there.


Hermione glanced at me in worry. "Harry, Percy did warn you that no one would be here. He was right."

"No," I said shaking my head. "No, I checked. Kreacher said--"

"Kreacher isn't bound to you Harry. He could lie with no consequences of his own."


"Harry.... Remember when Kreacher disappeared in the summer? Nobody could find him. Sirius had told him to get out. Maybe he told literally. So he left the house itself. I bet he was meeting with the Lestranges'. "

"That traitor elf! How dare he--"

"Harry, look!" Neville interrupted.

I looked over at where he was. Neville was surrounded by hundreds of glass orbs. I walked over to him and asked, "What is it?"

"I don't know. But it's got your name on it."

I creased my brow in thought. I reached out to grab it.

"Harry..." Hermione began, "I don't think you should be touching anything. This is the Department of Mysteries. Who knows what's in here?"

"Relax Hermione," I told her, "It's got my name on it. What harm could it do?"

I reached out and grabbed it.

"Very good, Potter."

Our group turned on a dime.

Perseus Jackson was standing behind us.

He smiled. "Now, Mr. Potter." His smile dropped. "Now give me that prophecy."


Percy couldn't remember much. He did recognize himself. And he did feel like he was somewhere he knew, but something was wrong. Something was missing.

Percy turned his head to try and look around room. He was either in a dungeon, or the Department of Mysteries.

Department of Mysteries it is, Percy thought, rolling to his feet.

How did I get here? I thought I— and that cut his thoughts right off. Percy and Annabeth had arrived at the ministry only five minutes after Harry and his gang. He and Annabeth were heading towards where they knew Harry was...

When they were ambushed!

Ah, stupid! Stupid, stupid! Percy screamed mentally. All he could recall from the encounter was that a Death Eater shot some weird green light beam at him. What happened after that?

Although the Death Eater bore a remarkable similarity to Draco Malfoy...

Percy cursed. He looked around to see if he could find Annabeth. Then he remembered he sent her one way, and told her to wait for his signal.

Percy looked at the doors surrounding him with determination.

He had a Potter to save.

Percy went in the first door.

And then immediately came back out.

I have a Potter to save. If I can find him, that is.

Hey guys!

Letting you know I'm not dead. For those of you who follow my other two main stories, so sorry, but I'm clear out of inspiration. I decided to look back at this, and thought of a scene I could've used instead.

You guys have any idea how Percy is in two places at once?

If you guys like these, I can keep doing them whenever I have a block with another story. It'd be fun to add on a little more; broaden my story.

What'd you think?

Love y'all!


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