Chapter 4 Harry's POV

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I don't own any of the characters. All rights go to Rick Riordan and J. K. Rowling. Except for the plot. That is mine.

Ginny, Ron, Hermoine, Fred, George, Percy , and I said goodbye to Mrs. Weasley and got onto the train. Percy joined us on the Hogwarts Express saying, "How else do I get there?" And we laughed. We finally located a cart with only Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood. We said hello then sat down. Luna and Neville were staring at Percy confused. He was oblivious. He's always oblivious.

I told them, "This is Percy Jackson. He's from America and a new teacher at Hogwarts."

They said hello and he responded in kind. Luckily, if anyone can keep the tension down it was Percy. He knew what to say so he didn't feel like a teacher to us. We started sampling Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. We had a blast. Percy got chocolate, strawberry, tea, pepper, spinach, and fish. When he found out the last one was fish he was thoroughly disgusted. When Ginny asked why he said, "I've just always been against eating fish." and left it at that. But he was brave enough to try one more and got something he said tasted like a book. He got a little gloomy after that but gradually perked up as the rest of us tried the beans. I don't remember ever having this much fun on the train. It was always interrupted by...

Malfoy walked into the cart, Crabbe and Goyle trailing behind him. Percy took polite interest in them as he saw our faces. He seemed ready for a show. Little did he know that Malfoy never did things in front of teachers. But, Malfoy didn't know Percy was a teacher. Oh this could be fun.

"Well, well. If it isn't Potty, Weasel, and the Mudblood. Meeting up with Longbottom and Looney Lovegood."

He noticed Percy for the first time. "Oh, and who might this be? Your bodyguard Potter? After all I'm sure all your fans can't wait to see you. Oh hold up! Everyone thinks you're a nutter. How silly of me to forget." Malfoy was laughing loudly with his thugs behind him. He threw an incredulous look at Percy before he carried on, not knowing there was a teacher in front of him.

"Why are you still here? You should leave before your credits get ruined. I can get you in good with the teachers. Name's Malfoy. I'm one of their favorite student-" His words were cut short by Percy and I's laugh. I had had such a hard time keeping it in as apparently had everyone else.

When the laughter subsided Percy threw a sideways glance at Malfoy and said, "I don't need your help to get in good with the teachers seeing as I'm to be one myself. Now get out of here before I write you up."

Malfoy narrowed his eyes. "Oh we'll see if you're a teacher. But I'll leave. For now."

And just like that he left.

We applauded Percy's performance and so forth until Hogwarts came into sight. The train stopped and we got out, Percy a little behind. He went up to Grubbly-Plank (where was Hagrid?) who was booming for the first years without a trace of fear, hard for some people to do seeing as she was a teacher, then after asking a question said goodbye to us, and walked towards Hogwarts.

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