Chapter 22: 3rd POV

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I don't own either book. U know what I mean. I'm not elaborating.

This story will soon come to a close!!!

Brace yourself.

Umbridge shrieked at the sword pointed at her neck. Percy immediately put it away.

"Professor Umbridge," he said curtly.

"Professor Jackson," she sniffed. "May I inquire as to what you're doing in the halls with a sword at this hour? I wasn't aware of a late night watch program."

"We'll let me remind you that you are out as well so unless I could inquire to your reasons there would simply be no need, would there?"

She stiffened. "It was a mere question."

"And mine was but a statement."

Umbridge looked Percy in the eye. He would not back down.

"Very well. I'll be off on my own business, you be off on yours."

Percy nodded and started walking away.

"Oh and Professor Jackson?"

He turned back.

"You would do well to remember your place."

And with that she stalked off leaving a slightly miffed Percy behind.

"Hermione I'm telling you that Sirius is in trouble! I need to go save him."

"Harry how do you even know his actually happened? It could be a setup to get you!"

"I can't just let him die Hermione!"

"And I can't let you walk off when this is obviously a trap!" She took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Harry, you know that Voldemort now knows about this link."


"And you also know that Voldemort likes to play with his food before he eats it."

"What's food got to do with this?"

"Be quiet Ronald! Anyways, Harry you know that Voldemort wants you and that Sirius could get you to him. He knows about the link. How do you know that he didn't plan this. That it actually happened? How do you know it isn't a trick?"

"I can't take that chance Hermione. Sirius might be counting on me to save him!"

"You'll die if you go Harry!"

"You don't know that!"

"I might as well!"

"Oh that's right! You know everything don't you?"

"You know very well tahrs not what I meant!"

"Correction: 'You know very well that is what you meant'"

"You're impossible!" Hermione screeched.

"You're in sufferable!" Harry yelled back.

"Oh I doubt you even know what that means!"

"I'm not as dumb as you think Hermione."

"I think it's time for dinner--"

"SHUT UP RON!" Harry and Hermione screamed.

"You are such an a--"

"You watch your mouth Harry or things will happen."

"Things have already happened!"

Hermione made an obvious move to calm down.

"How about this Harry. Send a letter or something to confirm Sirius is gone. Then if he really is, you can go. If not, it's a trap, and you don't go."

Harry calmed down as well.

"Fine. That works."

"So is it time for dinner now or--"

"Yes, Ron. It is."

And it's done. 482 words.

Thought you oughta know.

Anyhow hope you enjoyed it.


When does school start for you? (Sorry for bringing this up I just want to know if I can. See how different it is for everyone)

Love y'all


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