YOU Can Help Choose My Next Story. If You Read

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Hoping to get feedback pretty quick. It's on the new story.

So I can't decide whether to do another crossover or a Chaos Story.

Now I hope y'all know me well enough to know I like off the norm stories so my Chaos story would definitely not be the cliché Percy is betrayed.

In fact I shall share with you my plot for both in hope to get feedback.

Chaos story: Percy is not betrayed but rather leaves camp because of a curse. On the run he saves demigods and mortals from the horrid that may have been. He runs into Chaos and declines his offer, however Chaos deems himself fit to bless Percy without his knowledge. He is now immortal.

The gods turned the camp into more of a haven. The borders, so long as you are inside, give the Hunter's immortality. A hundred and seventy five years have passed, yet the campers insure that he is known forever. When a new war brews out (with an undecided enemy but it won't be the classic Primordial fight) Chaos sends his army to help. Noticing the camps demeanor without their hero, a soldier claims to be Percy to raise moral. But when the real Percy arrives, more trouble than thought possible will stir.

So that the Chaos idea, I really love it and I hope none of you are cruel enough to steal it. At least without asking and crediting me.

Now for the Harry Potter and PJO story.

Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are cousins. Neither knew until Albus Dumbledore tracked Percy down to protect Harry. Percy is now 18 and Harry is 14. The Triwizard tournament will take place and Albus wants someone to protect Harry. Who better than flesh and Bone? I mean... Blood.

Harry first sees Percy at the Quidditch World Cup. He thinks none of it. But when Percy makes an appearance at Hogwarts to help Hagrid, will the Golden Trio hunt his secrets? Or will the real enemy get to them first!

I also thought of you would rather a student Percy, he would be joining seventh year..... And as a Slytherin. He would bring the two houses of Slytherin and Gryffindor together during the Triwizard Tournament.

So what do y'all want?

Chaos Story but with a huge turn from normal?

Percy Teaches again. But with a BIG twist?

Or Percy is a student Again? But with another twist.

Hope y'all can tell me soon.

Love y'all


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