Chapter 17 Switching POVs

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I don't own PJO or HP.

Last questions answer: A Pensieve but someone had an amazing comment that said "wand" and I died. Thank you for that.


Harry's POV

When we got to dinner nothing unusual had happened, so I was surprised when Percy and Annabeth got up to leave early. I saw Hermione eyeing them curiously. She looked at me and I knew that she wanted to follow them.

Normally Ron and I come up with stupid plans to get killed but I guess Hermione decided to try it out.

I got Ron out of his meal and we went out of the Great Hall.

Once we found Percy and Annabeth, they were walking inside hurriedly. Their robes were powdered with this golden dust that I saw on Percy's after he defeated the vampire ladies and told us he was a demigod. They went straight for the teacher's room not pausing in their steps when seeing us. They were speaking in a language I didn't understand.

What happened to make our carefree professor like this?

Percy POV

After speaking to McGonagall about what occurred outside Hogwarts, we went straight to my class. Annabeth was playing low for a while until she knew the ropes.

So probably like, two classes.

Anyways, today Umbridge decided to watch the class and kept interrupting with questions. Finally I got so annoyed at the, "What are you even teaching these students?" question that I said,

"Now, Professor Umbridge, I can explain with words what I'm doing or if you don't interrupt everything I say to the class, you could watch and learn for yourself. But interfering every few minutes for a question I would gladly answer at the end of class, won't get the students anywhere, will it? So please let me teach the class and answer any possible questions later. Thank you," and went back to teaching like nothing happened. The class though was having a hard time not laughing, as was Annabeth even though we both knew I probably just caused a lot of trouble for later on.

Oh well.

Why should I care?


Best. DLADA class. EVER!!! Just like McGonagall, Percy put Umbridge in her place. It was hilarious. Even the Slytherins had a hard time not laughing at her expression. She did stay back though to speak with our Professor. I was only a little worried. He could handle her just fine.

Umbridge POV (Didn't expect that huh?

I WILL put that boy in his place. So help me. I will travel to Hades and back if I must.


Was it a cliffy?

I needed something for next chapter. Can't just chew Percy out. That's boring.

And yes i know it's short I'm sorry. But the story is coming to a close soon and those chapters should be longer. Don't hold me to it though.

Question time.

(I know there is no real answer to this. I want to see what you guys think)

Why did Umbridge say Hades?

She doesn't know about Percy. So how, and why would she?

Huh? Huh!

Ok. I'm in a weird mood again.

Love y'all!


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