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(I'm listening to the 'Back to Black' album by Amy wine house and she is so fucking good. She's so pretty.  list some albums for me and i'll give them a listen. - L)


Billie and I finally reached my mom's house. The lights lit up her house. My mom kept trying to hold off our visit due to her house not being perfect enough for my 'girlfriend'. I told my mom that Billie wasn't my girlfriend but she wasn't listening to that. 

So when we finally arrived, i was exhausted and so was Billie. I helped Billie out of the car and walked up to the house with her hand in hand. 

I knocked on the door and I felt Billie get kind of jittery. I looked at her and mouthed, "Are you okay?"  

"Yeah." Billie mouthed back and smiled. I give her a kiss on her forehead as the door opens. My mom's smiling face and my little brother and sister behind her at the door. 

"Y/N's girlfriend is so pretty." My younger siblings said to each other, nothing lower than a whisper. 

My mother hurried Billie and I into the house. I sat down on the couch and so did Billie. Our hands were still intertwined. Billie and I made almost no eye contact the whole time we were sitting on the couch. 

My whole family was sitting on every sofa. 

"Hey mom, it looks really nice-" 

"Shh. Billie, how is your day going?" My own mother cut me off to talk to a girl she's only known for 2 minutes. Billie only nervously laughed at the instance.  

"It's going really well. We just got here last night so the jet lag is still pretty much there. I also really like the house and what you did with it. Thank you for letting me stay here for a few days. Mrs. y/l/n." Billie said, sporting that cute smile she always did. Even when she's nervous. 

I didn't even get to say anything so I was still quite bitter about that as the conversation went on. 

"Oh please, call me (your mom's name)." My mom placed a hand on Billie thigh and gave her a small smile. 

My little sister goes up to Billie and grabs her hand, almost yanking Billie off of the couch. 

"Billie. Can we play barbies?" Juniper jumps up and down in excitement waiting for Billie's answer. 

"Of course. Are they in your room?" Billie asks and Juniper nods her head, leading Billie to her room. 

Why is everyone taking my girl? First, Ryder. Now, Juniper. Well it's kind of the other way around with Ryder but still. 

My little brother Autumn, raced back to his room as soon as Billie left. Probably to play fortnite or something. I mean he's 11 so what do kids his age do? 

All I did was sit on the couch and watch TV until my mom called me to the kitchen. My dad isn't present, I spent my whole life wondering why he didn't want me. I spent my childhood missing something I never had. Beside that, it's my birthday week and I wanted to spend that day with my family and Billie. 

Once I got to the Kitchen my mom handed me an apron and told me to watch her food. I nodded and smiled, even though I knew I didn't want to. 

"I think she's a catch, Y/N." My mom said as she threw a cut up carrot in her mouth, then continued cutting. 

"Momma, you've only known her for 10 minutes." I say as i lean back against the counter. I never brought a girl home to my mom before. I usually would tell her about my crushes and never said anything but she insisted. Also Juniper is such a huge fan of Billie so I know she was the main reason Billie came over. 

"Shush, i can feel some good energy coming from her. I saged the house in case she was a little...iffy." 

I forgot my mother was a hippie. 

We heard the front door open and us being nosy we stopped talking to lean over the counter to see who it was. 

My step-dad. Don't get me wrong, he's cool but he can just be annoying sometimes. Especially because he's a white man. 

Robert. yes, his name is Robert, walked into the kitchen and gave my mom a kiss. I don't care how old i am, it's still nasty.

He came up to me and smiled. 

"Hey, how's the music thing going?" Robert said, giving me a firm handshake which I reciprocated. 

"It's going pretty good, I hope my album gets grammy nominated." I laugh nervously, as I let go of his hand.

"Me and your mom were thinking about giving it a listen." Robert said as he looked at my mom and shot her a quick smile. 

To be honest, the album is very good. Or based upon what others say but I have one song where I made a slow song about getting my dick sucked. It would be an awkward discussion if they asked me to explain the songs off the album. 

"No Rob, it's okay. I'm not even sure I like it that much." 

"Baby, always take pride in your work." My mom said before reaching up to go to the seasoning cabinet. 

"I've always told you that." I just nodded my head once she said that. I swear she thinks she's a motivational speaker sometimes. 


The sun came seeping into the bedroom as me and Billie awoke. We slept in the same bed. My mom told me to keep the door open so we weren't doing any 'funny business'. Funny business is how I got here but she seems to forget that she had me around the same age I am right now. 

Old people I swear. 

I got dressed before Billie did and headed to the kitchen but not before I brushed my teeth. 

Juniper and Autumn ran up to me and tugged on my arms and legs, jumping up and down with gleaming joy. 

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" They both exclaimed loudly. I get they're only 11 and 9 but damn, how are they so loud? and up so early? 

"Yes?" I drag out the question as I yawn and rub my eyes. Billie comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist and puts her head into the crook of my neck as she looks down at my younger siblings. 

"Can you and Billie take us out today?" They jumped up and down and pointed at both of us. Big smiles plastered across their small faces. 

"No." I say and shrug my shoulders until I feel Billie flick the back of my head. I wince and rub it. I look at Billie and she gives me a resting bitch face. 

"Okay. We can go," Billie and these little kids are so pushy, I swear. 

"But go get dressed." I urge them into their rooms to get dressed for the day. Billie and I make them breakfast, quickly stealing glances at each other. 

"This is so nice. Feels like we have our own kids." I say, under my breath without fucking thinking. Billie's face dropped. 

"I have something to tell you." 


i have no energy to write. I AM SO SORRY. -L

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