"Don't let me go."

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Rory's POV:

It has been 2 hours since Logan walked out of the hotel room. It has been two hours since he told me that he had some "thinking" to do. i have decided to give him space, but the silence has been causing me unnecessary anxiety. Logan has always been super upfront with me, we have never kept secrets from each other; well i guess i ruined that positive aspect of our relationship. I couldn't handle the silence anymore so I decide to call Logan & pray that he answers me. As the phone kept ringing i could feel my heart rate elevate as i needed to know where his head space is. I also needed to know what exactly my mother told him. Logan didn't answer my call, which made my heart sink.  My mother has this way of speaking to people, and she uses the words that can cause people to get upset. My mother still hates Logan as he reminds her of my father; which bothers me because Logan is NOTHING like my father. My father was a dead beat towards me, I know deep deep down that Logan would be the most amazing father.

It has been 3 hours since he walked out on me, and in these three hours every scenario ran through my mind a hundred times. The sound of the hotel room door opening brings me out of my own head. I look at the door and see Logan walking through looking so beyond exhausted, and broken. My heart breaks seeing him like this, and i begin to hate my mother for convincing me to do what i did. "Rory. I am ready to say what i need to say." Logan says to me. Instead of verbally responding to him I muster up a head nod. "Your mother called earlier, and she told me her reasons why she wanted you to keep the pregnancy from me. While speaking to your mom she kept saying "what we planned" & "what we wanted." It suddenly hit me; everything you accomplished in your life was what your mother wanted for you. Rory; you are living out your mother's dream. That is not okay babe." Logan says to me.

I allow his words to set into me before responding to him. Logan is completely right; I worked so hard to get into Chilton, and then Yale. I did everything she wanted, and when i decided to take a break from school; my mom stopped talking to me. It is amazing how it took so long for me to realize. "Holy shit." I say quietly. "Holy shit. How did i not realize this before now?" I ask while putting my head into my hands. "I've been in therapy for the past couple years Ace. My therapist had me realize how toxic everyone except my sister was." Logan says with a small chuckle. "Really? Therapy?" I ask him with a small smile on his face. "Yeah. It was Honor's idea as she could tell I was extremely angry for multiple years." He explains.

"What the fuck am i going to do Logan? What am i supposed to say to my mom?" I ask. Logan squats in front of me, and grabs my face softly. "You are going to talk to your mom. You are going to forgive yourself & we are going to be okay. Because i love you, and i am never ever going to blame you." He says to me. Logan wipes away tears, and kisses my forehead. "How do i begin this conversation with my mom?" I ask him. "You my love are going to worry about this when we get back to the states. Right now, you are going to relax, and enjoy the rest of your stay here." He says to me.

"Don't let me go." I say to Logan. "Never." He answers me before kissing me softly. 

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