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Rory's POV:

My eyes open, and I am not sure where I was at that moment. Every single inch of my body was in pain that was causing me to silently cry. I look over to my left, and I see Logan sleeping in a chair next to what looked like a hospital bed. I reach over to where Logan was sleeping, and he stirs causing me to smile. "Hey!" He says with sleep in his voice. "Hey. Where the fuck am I?" I ask him with a scratchy voice. "You are in the hospital recovering from a six hour surgery caused by getting hit by a cab." Logan explains to me. He looks sad, scared, and like he's aged ten years. Digesting what he just told me caused me to start to wrack my brain as I have no memory of anything happening. "I am going to push the call button so the nurses can look you over. Honor is in the waiting room, and your mom is here as well." He says pushing the call button for me. "My mom is here? What the fuck is happening right now?" I ask him. Nothing but confusion, shock, and pain are the emotions I am feeling. "Logan. Can you promise me that you'll not leave me?" I ask him. He looks at me with a confused look on his face, but then he leans over, and kisses me. "Why the hell would I leave you?" He asks me. Before I could answer him the nurse comes into my room. "Bonjour Ms. Gilmore. My name is Jill, and I am your nurse. I am just to go examine you okay?" Jill tells me. "Sure." I grumble. "Baby. I am going to tell your mom you are awake; then I will be back." Logan says to me. I nod at him even though I didn't want him to go.

"I know this isn't my place to say anything Ms. Gilmore, but that young man has been beside himself worried about you." She says to me. "I figured." I say to her. "Well Ms. Gilmore so far considering your injuries you seem to be doing good. I'll let your doctor know you are awake, and he'll be in to see you in a little while." Jill says to me. "Thank you." I say. Being attached to these wires, and not being able to leave this bed has me anxious. Only I would be hit by a cab, and almost die. "Rory." My mom says from my doorway. Seeing her standing in front of me made me cry. "Mom." I say as she hugs me. "What the hell Rory? Only you would get hit by cab, and live to tell the story." She says to me. I let out a small chuckle. "Everything hurts." I whisper. My mom crawls into  my bed, and I rest my head on her shoulder. "Did Logan call you?" I ask her. "He did call me. He sounded so scared, and I think he was crying. Honey; I need to tell that I was clearly wrong. You two are destined to be together, and his sister is great." My mother says to me. My mom saying that she was softening towards Logan, and that made my heart melt. We sit in silence, and I feel like  I was about to drift off to sleep once again; when a sudden panic came to my mind. "Holy shit. Mom has anyone called my job?" I ask. "Rory, Rory honey calm down. Logan's sister called them, and explained what happened." My mom says to me. I nod against her shoulder; feeling my heart rate slow down. "Honey just go to sleep, and rest, I am going to find some coffee, and Logan's sister went to grab us food." She explains. Before i could answer i drift off into dream land.

I was awaken awhile later by someone doing my blood pressure, and it hurt my arm. I let out a moan, and that is when i felt the sparks that only my one true love could cause. I open my eyes, and smile at him because he came back to me. "Have a nice nap?" He asks me. "I did actually. Up until that nurse almost took off my arm with blood pressure cuff that is." I mumble at him. Logan chuckles at me. "Where is my mom?" I ask him. "Your mom, and my sister went back to the hotel as they both fell asleep in the waiting room." He explains to me. Of course my mom would fall asleep as she's jet lagged, and not enough coffee in the world. We sit in silence for a long time,  and this one didn't feel natural. "Logan. Spill." I demand at him. He looks at me with a confused look on his face. "Talk to me." I say to him. He let's out a sigh of defeat. "I don't think i have ever been so scared in my life. When i saw you laying on that sidewalk..." He says then stops halfway through. My heart shattered because i didn't know just how terrified he was. "Rory i don't know how i would've handled if you died." He says to me. I feel myself getting emotional as i loved him so much, and it was killing me to see him in pain like this. "Logan can you get into this bed with me please?" I ask him. "I don't want to hurt you." He says to me. "You won't." I reassure him. Logan gets out of the chair, and comes around to the other side of my bed, and kicks off his shoes. He crawls into my small bed, and gently pulls me to him. I could feel him instantly relax, and that made me feel better.

"My sister told me that this is your version of pay back for my Costa Rica incident." Logan says to causing me laugh. "It only took me like 10 years to get you back." I grumble. "You are nothing if not thorough." He says then kisses the top of my head. Being in his arms again made all the pain i had at the moment seem bearable. "I love you." I say to him. "I love you too, Ace." He says then kisses the side of my head. We end up falling asleep soon after that, and even though it was small bed it was blissful.

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