Begin Again

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Rory's POV:

It's amazing how a single question can change everything, and brighten a lifetime. At this very moment I was laying in bed at my hotel in Paris next to the most amazing, wonderful, and perfect man ever. After our dramatic evening Logan, and I fell asleep after talking about our lives over the past nine years. I looked at the clock on my nightstand, and saw it was currently 2AM, and my mind decided that it wanted to wake me up to overthink. Trying to not wake up Logan who was snoring quietly next to me; I decide to get up, and make a pro/con list. I know what you are all thinking, but honestly the inventor of the pro/con list should be considered as a pure genius. What thing i knew that was certain was i wanted to be with Logan for the rest of my life. I wanted to get married, and i wanted to have babies with him. Currently i am sitting at the desk writing out my list when i realized i was being idiot. Go with what your heart is telling you Rory my brain told me. I try to crumple up the list without waking up Logan, but that was until i heard him grumble something. "Ace?" Logan asked me looking half asleep. "Hey. Sorry i woke up, and couldn't fall back to sleep." I say to him walking back to the bed. "What is going on in that beautiful head of yours Rory?" He asked me. "Oh you know me so well." I grumble. "Yes I do Ace. Spill!" He says to me. I sigh, and try to not ramble. "Well i made a pro/con list, and about half way through i realized i was overthinking so i crumpled it up. Then you woke up, and here we sit." I say to him. Logan looks at me with a puzzled look on his face. I let out a sigh, and close my eyes trying to find the right words. "I am afraid that once we leave Paris everything that has happened hear will disappear." I whisper because i am afraid of how my voice will sound.

"Rory." Logan says breaking me out of my head. I refuse to look at him as i know I'll start to cry. "Rory please look at me." He says to me lifting my chin so we make eye contact. "Nothing is going to happen to us when we leave Paris." He says with confidence in his voice. "But we live on opposite sides of the country. Long distance was a deal breaker for us before; so why is now different?" I ask standing up off the bed, and beginning to pace. "Things were different then Ace. At that point i thought i knew what i wanted, but now it's different." He says coming over to where i was currently pacing. "How are things different now though? I am so confused, scared, and you probably think i am crazy!" I say. That causes Logan to start laughing, and grabbing me by the waist. "You are so right Ace. I have thought you were crazy, but you are adorable so you are forgiven." He says causing me to roll my eyes. "Ha ha Huntzberger you are hilarious." I say with sarcasm. "It got you to calm down for a moment though." He says to me. "It did. You always had the magic touch to slow down my brain." I say to him. We stare at each other, and suddenly all my thoughts disappear. "Are you sure we can figure everything out? I mean i know we made long distance work in the past, but now we are two totally different people. We live on opposite sides of the country Logan!" I say to him. Instead of answering me with words Logan shut me up by kissing me. All i felt were the sparks that only Logan Huntzberger can cause me to have. "Rory you need to stop." He says as he pulled away from me. I couldn't find my words so i just nod at him feeling like the idiot.

"Can we just enjoy this moment, and forget about everything else?" He asked me. "Of course. I am sorry for ruining everything." I say to him. Logan places his fingers under my chin to raise my head so we can look at each other. "You didn't ruin anything Ace. You need to stop saying you are sorry as well; as you did nothing to be apologizing for." He says to me causing me to smile. "You are kind of great you know that." I say to him. "I did know that actually, but thank you for reminding me." He says to me with the most adorable smirk on his face. I roll my eyes at him; which caused Logan to smile. "Should we try to get some sleep?" I ask him. "Sure." He says laying down on the bed once again. I follow suit, and snuggle myself next Logan where i felt safe. "I love you Rory." He says kissing the top of my head. "I love you too," I respond smiling.

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