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Logan's POV:

I swear i could stare at Rory for the rest of my life, and it would not be enough. When she first woke up yesterday it felt my heart swell as I missed her beautiful blue eyes, and her smile. The door to Rory's hospital room opened, and i look towards it, and see Lorelai standing in the doorway. "Logan. Can i talk to you for a minute?" She asks me. "Sure." I whisper, and slowly get out of the bed. I slip on my shoes, and walk towards where Lorelai was standing. We walk in silence down the hall to the ICU waiting room where no one was sitting as it was 3AM. "Did you know that not a single coffee shop in Paris is open this early? I am outraged, and hospital coffee is shit." Lorelai says to me. "I was aware that nothing is open this early; it truly makes no sense." I respond. "I love your sister by the way. Rory never told me Honor had a son, and a daughter on the way." She says to me. "They do! When Honor told me that her, and Josh were moving to France i am not going to lie i was crushed. I knew i was going to miss Mason, and obviously my sister." I say to her. "Well i wanted to talk to you about something slightly important." Lorelai says to me. "Okay." I grumble kind of scared.

"I am not going to lie to you Logan; i was never your biggest fan. But when my daughter calls me, and tells me that she has been hiding the fact that she was cyber stalking you; because she never got over you i knew that she was scared of my disapproval. When you called me, and told me that Rory was hurt because she was hit by a cab, and the way your voice was that is when i knew. That is when i knew that you were the right guy for my daughter. I never fully blamed you for the decisions Rory made in the past; because deep down i knew you agreed with me, but you didn't want to push her away." Lorelai says to me. Her words came as a shock as i wasn't expecting them. "Well thank you for saying that," I say to her. "My daughter is not someone who gives up on what she wants. I just want my daughter to be happy, and you Logan Huntzberger make her happy." She says to me. "I walked around for nine years angry, and pissed off because i walked away from her. So the fact that we found each other again is the greatest thing." I say.

We find ourselves sitting the in ICU waiting room in a comfortable silence. "I am going to see if that Starbucks down the street is open. Would you like me to bring you back anything?" Lorelai asks me. "I am good, but thank you for asking." I respond. Lorelai nods her head, and gets up from her chair, and walks out of the waiting room. I walk back to Rory's room, and hope she's still asleep so i can sneak back into bed. Quietly i slip my shoes off, and get back into bed hoping i was in the clear. Softly i run my fingers down her cheek, and just stare at her. "Stop staring at me." Rory grumbles, and looks over at me. I couldn't help, but smile at her. "Considering you almost died yesterday; I think i am allowed to stare at you." I say to her. Rory rolls her eyes at me, and smiles. "Well when you put it that way i guess you are allowed." She says to me. "Your mom was here earlier. We had a good conversation; apparently she likes me now." I say to Rory. "Is that so? Look at Lorelai Gilmore admitting she was wrong." She says poking my nose. "Where did she go?" Rory asked me. "Well it is like 4AM here in France, and there is a starbucks down the street." I say to her. "Ah gotcha." Rory says to me. "I want to leave this hospital so badly." Rory says. My heart breaks a little bit as she sounds so sad, and anxious. "Baby. Once your doctor sees you; i am sure he'll let you leave. But i doubt you'll be able to travel back to New York unfortunitley." I say to her. Rory gives me a slight pout that makes her look so cute. "Well you know that my sister lives here in France; I am sure she'll be more than happy to let you stay with her." I suggest to her. Rory just rolls her eyes at me.

"I haven't seen Honor is so long! Please tell me you have pictures of that adorable as hell son with you?" Rory asks me. "Why yes I do." I answer her, and grab my phone out of my pocket. "Mason is currently travelling with Josh before the baby is born." I say to her. "That Is so sweet! I saw on Honor's facebook that they are having a girl. Mason must be thrilled to be a big brother." Rory says looking at the photos. "He is thrilled right now, but we'll see how he reacts once Molly is here." I say to her. "Did you see that Honor, and Josh named me Mason's god father?" I ask her. Rory shakes her head with a small smile on her face. "Knowing what I know about your relationship with Honor; I am not very surprised by that." Rory says to me. Instead of answering her with words; I choose to kiss her. "Thank you for coming back into my life." Rory says to me. "I could say the same thing to you too." I say to her as I kiss her again.

Someone coughs from the doorway breaking up the moment. "Sorry to interrupt you two, but Ms. Gilmore the doctor is on his way to examine you." Jill the nurse says to us. I take her tone as a sign that I had to leave the room, and return phone calls. "Does he really need to leave?" Rory asks with a hind of a whine in her voice. "Yes." Jill says in sharp tone. "It's okay Ace. I have a bunch of phone calls to make, and I think Honor was coming back with clothes for me." I say to her. Rory nods, and I walk out of the room. "Just the person I was actually looking for, and now I am exhausted." Honor says handing me a bag with clothes in it, "Thank you sister." I say to her. "Finn is heading back to the States, and he took the rest of you stuff with him. I have your computer at my hotel by the way. He hasn't heard from Ryan yet either." She says to me. "Where is Lorelai?" I ask her. "She is making phone calls, and drinking a large Starbucks coffee." She says to me. "She gave me her stamp of approval this morning." I say, and Honor starts to laugh. "Wait? So you asked Lorelai if you could propose to her daughter, but she didn't actually like you?" Honor says to me. "I never claimed to be the smartest person ever." I say to her. She just simply shakes her head, and I swear she rolled her eyes as well. "If you want to stay with Josh, and I while Rory is recovering you can." Honor says to me. "I'll think about it." I say to her.

We sit in the ICU waiting room in silence, and a thousand different thoughts were going through my head. But the only think I knew was Rory was alive, and sarcastic as ever. Just the way I loved her to be honest.

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