"This isn't the end of your story, Logan."

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Logan's POV:

Six hours. I have been pacing the waiting room of this hospital for six fucking hours. Rory has been in surgery for the past six hours, and the update I've received so far is that she is doing well. What the fuck does that mean? I needed to talk to someone, and for once in my life I hoped Paris was here. Paris has this effect on people that usually lead to them giving her information, and I needed that. "Logan!" I hear someone call my name. "Honor! Holy shit!" I say grabbing my sister, and hugging her. "Have you heard anything?" Honor asks me sitting down on the chair. "Just that so far the surgery is going well. But it's been six hours, and I am starting to think something went wrong." I say to her trying to remain calm. "Logan. If I wasn't 8 months pregnant right now i'd stand up right now. So do me a favour, and sit your ass down. Rory Gilmore is far to stubborn just die alright." Honor says to me. Honor was pregnant with her second child with Josh. They already have 5 year old Mason, and they are expecting a baby girl who they are naming Molly.

I listen to my sister, and sit down next to her. "Okay so fill me in on what has happened over the past few days." She says to me. "Finn told me he was meeting up for coffee with Rory, and I got jealous. I mean I was okay with the guys being friends with her, but knowing she was in town made me want to see her. So I broke into Finn's facebook, and saw that they were meeting at this café, and I went. I needed to see her, and when I did I knew I was still in love with her." I say to my sister who was looking at me. "Logan. I always knew you were still in love with Rory. I knew you loved her when I first saw the two of you together. That girl is far too good for you, and yet she deals with you like a champ." She says to with a smirk on her face. I roll my eyes at Honor as she was right. "Did I ever tell you the moment I knew I loved Rory?" I ask her. "I don't think you have to be honest. But even if you did I would love to hear it again." She says causing me to chuckle. "It was when we kidnapped Rory, and took her to this Life & Brigade event. Rory was sitting in the forest by herself, and I wanted to see if she still alive. We were sitting on these rocks, and Rory went on this big long ramble session. That is when I knew. I knew that she was the woman I wanted to change my life for." I say. Honor just looks at me, and puts her head on my shoulder.

"Well you will have a life time to tell her that you love her; because like I said Rory Gilmore is the most stubborn woman I have ever met. Plus you owe her this Logan. If I remember correctly you almost died when your stupid ass decided to jump off a cliff in Costa Rica. This caused Rory to deal with the Huntzberger family abandoning you, and well you looking like shit for weeks." Honor says causing me to laugh. "Well it only took her 10 years to get revenge on me for that stunt." I say. My sister is the one person I could count on to drop everything, and keep me calm. "Have you called her mother yet?" Honor asks me. "Yeah I did. Lorelai is on her way here as we speak." I say to her. Honor just nods her head, and we sit in silence. Just when Honor was about to say something else; a doctor comes out walking towards us. "Are you with Rory Gilmore?" The doctor asks us. "We are. How is she?" I ask standing up, but I kept holding Honor's hand. "Rory is out of surgery, and is in stable condition. She suffered some internal bleeding, and that is why the surgery took so long. We had to remove her spleen, and we had to put a rod into her leg as it was shattered." The doctor said. "Can we see her?" I ask him. "She is in recovery right now, but once we move her to ICU i'll have a nurse come, and get you." He says to me. "Thank you so much doctor. I am truly thankful for you." I say to him shaking his hand. "I was just doing my job, but thank you." He says, and walks away.

"Did I not tell you she was going be okay?" Honor says. That moment I finally allow myself to break down. "Logan." Honor says, and stands up to hold me while I cried. "Shhh... it's okay." She kept saying over, and over again. "Sorry." I mumble after calming down. "It's okay. I do need to sit down, and eat this granola bar that I carry around." She says to me. "How did I get so lucky to have a sister like you? You are the only Huntzberger I actually enjoy talking too." I say to her. Honor rolls her eyes, and pushes me away. "I would disagree with you Logan, but the feelings are mutual." She says to me. Honor was my best friend, and my secret keeper. She was the person I would call when I was in legal trouble; as she was an attorney, and got most of my offences dropped down to probation. When she had Mason she gave me the best present ever. Her, and Josh named me god father, and I was completely stunned. I didn't think I was worthy of such a title, but they talked me into it. I accepted, and now Mason is my little buddy. I already know Molly will be the apple of my eye, and she already has me wrapped around her little finger. "Oh I almost forgot to give you these pictures of Josh, and Mason. They are having a blast on their father/son road trip." Honor says giving the pictures. I look at them, and smile.

Honor, Josh, Mason, and soon to be Molly are currently living in Nice France as Josh's company has expanded here. "One day Logan; you will have what I have. You will get the family you always wanted to have. The next time you propose to Rory; I guarantee you she'll say yes. You will have the second cutest kids on the planet running around, and you'll finally prove dad wrong. This isn't the end of your story, Logan. It's just the beginning of your sequel with Rory." Honor says to me. I simply nod at her. We sit in silence as there was nothing else to say. A nurse came over to where I was sitting, and looked at both my sister, and myself. "I am looking for a Logan Huntzberger?" She asks us. "I am Logan." I answer. "Well I was told to inform you that we are moving Rory Gilmore to ICU now. So I can take you up to see her, but only one at a time." She says to me. "Go on Logan. I am more than capable sitting here in the waiting room. Plus I am sure that Lorelai will be here shortly anyways." Honor says. "Thank you so much Honor." I say to her kissing her cheek. "Go get see your girl." She says winking at me.

The nurse, and I walk in silence down a hallway that was leading to Rory. The nurse opens up the door, and that is where I see her. "She is currently on pain killers, and it'll be awhile until she wakes up. You can sit with her for however long you want. I'll be back in a little while to check on her." She says. "Thanks." I say as the nurse walks out of the room. I grab Rory's hand gently, and kiss the top of it. "Hey baby. I know you can't hear me, and that is fine as you need to rest." I say to her. "This isn't the end of our story Ace. This is the beginning of our second chance, and I will never take you for granted. Because you deserve to be worshipped, and treated like most amazing woman ever. I love you so fucking much it hurts me to see you like this." I say to her. I didn't say anything after that; because for once in my life I was wordless. So I just sat there in a chair holding her hand until she decides to come back to me.

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