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Logan's POV:

"Ace." I say to Rory who was dosing off. "What?" She grumbles in response. "Finn should be arriving at the hospital in an hour." I say to running my fingers through her hair. Rory just nods her head, and closes her eyes again. "Great talking to you baby," I say chuckling. "Same to you Huntzberger." She grumbles. I am going to marry to this girl one day, and to be honest with you our marriage will be full of sarcastic remarks. My phone starts to ring, and I quickly get out of the chair to answer it in the hall. "Hello?" I say answering. "Hey Logan." My sister says greeting me. "Are you okay Honor?" I ask her as my sister is usually cheerful. "Not really. I think I am in labour, and Josh isn't answering his phone. I am in the uber on route to the hospital where you are right now." My sister says. Holy fucking shit; the last time my sister was in labour it was 36 hours of waiting, and Josh made it with one hour before Mason was born. "Holy shit. Okay i'll be in parking lot waiting for you with a wheelchair." I say to her power walking trying to stay calm. "Thank you Logan. Can you try, and reach Josh for me?" She asks me. "Of course Honor." I say to her getting into the elevator. My heart is racing, and my brain was going a million miles a minute as well. "Okay Honor I am in the lobby, and i'll see you in few minutes." I say to her arriving at the nurses station. "We should be there in 5 minutes baby brother." She say to me sounding scared. I start to pace around the waiting room dialing Josh's number hoping he'd answer, and by the stroke of luck he did. "Logan! I am on my way to the hospital; just getting in the cab to the airport." Josh says sounding panicked. I let out a deep sigh, and thank God silently. "Honor just arrived so i'll get her settled in until you get here." I say to him. That is when I see Honor's uber pull up outside, and my heart starts to race. "Josh your wife just arrived. I'll call you in a few minutes. Hurry the fuck up!" I say then hang up the phone.

Honor is brought into the hospital via wheelchair, and she looked so scared. "Did you get a hold of Josh?" Honor says to me. "I did. He is on route with Mason; should be here soon so please relax." He explain. Honor nods then the paramedic pushes her to the nurse's station. "Hi. I am Honor Williams, and I am about to bring a child into this world!" Honor says. "Right. We have a private labour room all set up for you; so I'll bring you to your room then the doctor will be in to see you." The nurse explains. Honor lets out a soft sigh, and I try to hold myself together. The nurse starts to push Honor's wheelchair when someone taps me on the shoulder. "Logan. What is happening?" Lorelai asks me. "Honor is in labour." I say simply. "Holy hell! Is her husband here?" She asks me. "Not yet. He is apparently on route with Mason though." I say to her. Lorelai bursts into a huge grin, and the look in her eyes radiates pure excitement. "You are about to be an uncle again! That is so exciting, and it is now time to help Honor through this." Lorelai says to me. I nod, and walk towards Honor's room to be her coach until Josh gets here.

Walking into her room I see that Honor looks terrified, and that makes my heart break. "Honor. Listen to me you are going to be okay, and I will be here by your side even after Josh gets here." I say to her grabbing her hand. "You are the best Logan." She says finally letting out a breath. My phone goes off, and I groan. "Finn is here at the hospital." I say to my sister. "I will put my attorney hat then." She says. I walk out of the room, and spot Finn  coming down the hallway. "Logan!" Finn says to me. "Hey man. So we have been hit with a problem; Honor is in labour, and I am her coach until Josh gets here." I explain. "Are you serious? We are supposed to meet with Ryan in 2 hours." He says to me. "I know this! Honor will go over the papers to makes sure we aren't being fucked over. Look Finn I owe my sister this after everything she has done for me over the years." I explain. Finn just sighs, and nods in agreement. "I doubt Ryan is screwing us over, but Honor will prove that." He says to me. I nod, and lead him into Honor's room to start the process.

"Well hello Queen Huntzberger." Finn greets my sister. Honor simply rolls her eyes at him with a small smile on her face. "Finn! Did you bring me that paperwork?" She asks him. "Absolutely sweetheart." Finn says winking at my sister which caused her to roll her eyes. Honor, and Finn have always had a love hate relationship. Well mostly Finn loving my sister, and my sister hating Finn. "Well I mean this seems to be fair, but Ryan wants 30% of the equity. Which seems like a ridiculous amount considering he's a silent partner." Honor says. "He's trying to screw us!" I say louder then planned. "This is an easy fix Logan. Just counteroffer him a lesser amount of equity." Honor says. "What if he doesn't want less though?" I ask slightly panicking as this deal was crumbling. "Logan. Mate take a walk." Finn demands. I nod, and leave the hospital room to calm down.

I start pacing the halls, and end up back at Rory's room. "Logan! What are you doing here?" Rory asks me. "Finn showed up with the paperwork for Honor to go over before we sign it, and Honor found that Ryan wants 30% of the company." I explain pacing back, and forth internally flipping the fuck out. "Logan. Baby sit down, and calm the fuck down." Rory says to me. I nod in agreement, and sit down in the chair next to Rory's bed. "Where is your mom?" I ask her. "She is in the washroom; then calling Luke to give him an update." Rory says to me. "My sister is having a baby, and yet I somehow made this about me." I say sighing feeling like a selfish prick. "It wouldn't be a Huntzberger family moment without drama." Rory says with a small smile. "I mean that is true." I say getting out of the chair, and walking over to her. "Thank you." I say to her while kissing her forehead. "You are welcome." She says to me smiling. "I should go, and make sure my sister hasn't given birth." I say not wanting to leave Rory, but I had too. "Well maybe i'll get my mom to wheel me over to Honor's room later." She says to me. "Absolutely," I say kissing her cheek before walking out of her room.

"Thank god I found you. Ryan is on his way, and Honor swears she'll fix this." Finn says to me. "We got this Finn." I say bumping his fist. It is amazing how one conversation with Rory can calm my life down for a moment.

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