"You're my miracle."

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Rory's POV:

It has been two days. Two days since Honor welcomed her beautiful baby girl Molly Sierra Williams into this world. After 26 hours of labour she made her grand entrance surrounded by her husband, and Logan. My mom, and I got to spend some quality time with little Mason who was worried about his mom; but also super excited about becoming a big brother.  Ironically; Mason is a miniature Logan with all his energy, and the fact that he gets bored in 2 seconds flat. "You are really good with him Rory. Mason adores you, and it is lovely to see." My mom says to me. The pit in my stomach that i have tried to numb for the past 8 years suddenly appeared. "Mom can we not talk about this right now." I say in a demanding tone.  "Rory. Honey we haven't talked about what happened since the day after you did it." She says to me. 

I am suddenly hit with flashbacks, heartbreak by making the decision, and guilt with the fact that I never Logan. "I still deal with it every day mom." I say looking out the window; trying to hide my tears. "Rory. You did what you did because you thought it was the best decision, and at the time it was. So stop feeling guilty about it." My mom says to me. Before I could respond to what she said Mason sits up, and looks at me with a small smile. "Hey buds. How was your nap?" I ask him. "It was good." He says in his adorable little voice. "I am going to get Logan." My mom says, and leaves the room. "Aunt Rory; do you ever want to have a baby?" Mason asks me. "One day." I say him while Mason lays his head on my shoulder. "I hope you have a baby with Uncle Logan because he is my best friend." Mason says to me, and my heart swelled up 100 sizes. "Fun fact Mase. Uncle Logan just so happens to be my best friend as well." I say to him while glancing at the door, and see my man standing there staring at us both with a smile on his face. "Mason look who is here!" I say to him. Mason lifts his head, and looks in the direction of where logan was standing. "Uncle Logan!" He says loudly, and quickly runs towards where he was standing. "Hey buds." Logan says while picking Mason up, and they hug each other. "Have you been good for Rory, and Lorelai?" Logan asks Mason while sitting in the chair by my bed. "I think I have." Mason tells Logan. "He has been a little angel." I say.  Logan smiles at me. and my heart swells. "Hey bud. How about we go, and see your baby sister?" Logan asks him. "Yes!" Mason says, and gets off Logan's lap; and starts running towards the door. "Stop! Hold on buddy; we have one more thing  to do before we go." Logan says causing me to give him a concerned look. "What do we have to do?" Mason asks me. "We have to spring Aunt Rory." He says.

Mason looks at me with the biggest grin on his adorable face, and I knew I couldn't say no to seeing the baby. "Bring me over the wheelchair Huntzberger." I grumble. He lets out a small chuckle, and helps me into the chair. "Lead the way Mason." Logan says . Mason opens the door, and starts to lead us towards Honor's room. "I think Mason has a future career as a tour guide." I say quietly causing Logan to laugh. "Hurry up Uncle Logan!" Mason says to us. Suddenly; I get hit with the what if's... what if I decided to tell Logan, and didn't do what I decided to do? We could've stayed together, and we could probably be married right now. Part of blames my mother; as she convinced me that I was making the best choice.

That is when I knew right then, and there that I needed to come clean with him. The guilt was going to be my death, and I didn't want that. Logan must have knew I needed to talk to him as he stops abruptly in the middle of the hallway. "Mason. Hey buds; how about you go inside, and we'll be inside in a minute." Logan says to Mase. Mason nods, and runs into Honor's room; looking all cute. "What is going on Rory?" Logan abruptly asks me. I let out a louder then planned sigh, and try to find the right words before opening up my mouth. "After we broke up; I found out I was pregnant." I say to him. The look on Logan's beautiful face made my heart sink, and I wish I could take back what I just said. "You aren't fucking with me are you?" He asks me. "Why would I lie to you about something like this?" I answer him. "I wish you told me." Logan says as he begins to pace. My heart immediately breaks into a thousand pieces, and I can feel myself beginning to cry. "Logan. not a single day goes by where I wish I could take back what happened. I actually wrote you a letter, and dialed your number so many times. But before I could tell you; I talked myself out of it because I told myself it wouldn't change anything." I explain. Logan stops pacing, and looks at me with hurt written all over his face.

"You still should've told me Ace." He says to me as he kneels in front of me. I simply nod my head as I place my forehead  onto his. "I am so sorry." I whisper.  Logan kisses the top of my nose, and I could feel my heart be put back together. "You are my miracle." He says to me. I gave him a small smile, and I could feel my heart reattaching.  Part of me wants to believe we can move past this, but also part me knows that this isn't the end of this conversation.

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