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Rory's POV:

"Ms. Gilmore we are going to have to keep you in here for at least a week." My doctor says to me. "Really? A week? I have a job back in New York, and I cannot stay here that long." I say to him. "Well considering you have a rod in your leg, and you were hit by a taxi be grateful you are still alive. I'll be back to check on you before my shift is over. Get some rest." He says, and leaves my room. I am left alone in my room wondering if after this incident i'll even have a job to return too. That is when the door to my room opens, and Honor is standing there looking beautiful, and very pregnant. "Hey Rory." She says walking over to me to give me a hug. "Hello to you too. Damn you really are pregnant!" I say to her. Honor brings the chair over to sit next to me, and gives me a small smile. "I am due in 4 weeks, and I am hoping she will come sooner as I am not enjoying being pregnant anymore." She says to me. "Well you make it look amazing." I say to her. "Well one day Rory; maybe you'll experience pregnancy yourself." Honor says with a smirk on her face. "Maybe. Someday." I answer her with knowing eyes. Honor is the only member of the Huntzberger family who actually likes me, and I am happy we've stayed close over the years. "My brother has been flipping out over this idea about you dying. I keep saying he's crazy, but you know Logan." She says to me.

"I cannot believe you dropped everything to come here, and help Logan." I say to her. "Oh Rory. When my brother calls me crying because he's worried that the one person he has ever loved was in the hospital; you get your pregnant ass to the hospital. Logan is my best friend whether I like to admit it or not." She says to me. I smile at her because Honor knows Logan better than I do. They have always been close, and I thought it was incredible. "I adore your mother by the way. She is hilarious, and I swear deep down she likes Logan." Honor says to me. "She admitted to him this morning that she does like Logan now." I say to her, "I've heard. I honestly cannot believe that my brother who I think is smart as hell; asked your mom if he could marry you when she wasn't his biggest fan!" She says to me. The memory of the proposal, and the moment when he walked away from me came flooding back. "Yeah. I am surprised they both put themselves through that." I say in a soft tone. "Rory. Now i am going to ask you this once, and then we'll never speak of this subject again. If Logan was going to ask you to marry him again; would you say yes this time?" Honor asks me. I was taken aback by her question as honestly I had no idea what I would say. Did I love the idea of being married to him? Fucking rights I did; it is honestly the only thing that kept me going over the past nine years. But the idea of marriage in general scares me. But I get the subject dropped I decide to answer the question as honestly as I could. "Absolutely." I say to her. Honor breaks out in the biggest grin, and that makes my heart burst.

"Well when that day comes I better be the first person to know." She says, and rubs her bump. "Are your parents excited about the new baby?" I ask Honor. "Well they are excited, but since moving to France they are holding a grudge." Honor says to me. "No not the Huntzberger's." I say with so much sarcasm. Honor bursts out laughing, and that is when I see Logan in the door way. "Honor you need to chill out as you don't want to go into labor early." He says to her. "Not funny Logan." She says to him. "Are you going to tell me what was so funny or am I going to be left out?" He asks us. "Can't Honor, and I have a secret?" I ask him. "No." He says simply. "Rory made a joke about how ridiculous our family is." Honor says to him. "You don't need to tell me anymore as I would probably agree either way." He says. "I am going to call my husband, and check on my kid. But as always Rory it was a pleasure to see you, and don't be a stranger." She says walking out of my room. "What did the doctor say to you?" He asks me while crawling into my bed. "I am stuck here for a week. But after that I hope I can go back to New York, and live my life." I say laying my head on his shoulder. "It won't be that bad baby. I made you a promise earlier; I'll be by your side the entire time. As honestly I have no plans on leaving Paris without you." He says to me. My heart grew 100 sizes, and I had no idea what to say to that. We sat in silence, and I think about my conversation I had earlier with Honor.

"Lets make a promise to each other." I say. Logan looks at me with a confused look on his face. "Okay?" He says in more of a question then a response. I glance at him, and smirk. "Well it's more like me promising you something. I promise that the next time you ask me to marry you; I'll say yes." I say to him causing Logan to have the biggest smile on his face. "Is that so? Well that is good to know." He says to me. I simply roll my eyes at him. "Well I am going to promise you something as well then." He says in a soft tone. "The next time I decide to propose to you; I won't give you an ultimatum, and it sure as fuck won't be in your grandparent's great room." He says causing me to laugh. "Sounds beyond fair." I say kissing his cheek. "I feel like we should pinky swear or something." He says to me. "Seems appropriate." I say to him. Just like that we link our pinkys together, and we promises are legitimate.

A/N: Follow my social media as at least once a day I go on a Huntzmore/Rogan tweet spree. My twitter is: RorysxLogan & my tumblr is logansxrory.tumblr.com! Thank you for the likes, comments, and love for this story so far.

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