Chapter 22 - Wake Up and Build Up

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Third person's POV

After healing May's reflection, saving May's sanity, and stabilizing her mind, they left Aura Princess' reflection rest up and left May's mind.

"1 AM?!" Ash yelled in surprise when they returned to reality.

"Shhh!" Lucario shushed him and pointed at May.

Confused Ash followed Lucario's gaze to see his sister didn't wake up...

"Her mind is exhausted... and will be for some time... So, don't wake her up." Lucario said.

Ash only nodded, picked May up, and carried her to her bed...

"Will she be able to think during tomorrow's battles?" Ash wondered.

"She should be fine as long as I'm on the battlefield." Lucario said.

"Right... then I'll make sure that she'll use only you." The Aura Guardian responded.

Lucario nodded and they went to sleep...

Ash woke up early on the morning, excited to battle, but May was fast asleep...

"She was really mentally exhausted... If we wake her up now, she'll be half asleep and unable to think all day..." Lucario said, looking at the sleeping girl.

"We have to go to school though, and I know she don't wanna miss the tournament..." Ash sighed.

Lucario sighed too, and carefully woke May up...

"Mornin'..." May said with half closed eyes, and no emotions at all.

"Morning, May! Let's have a challenge! Today's opponents shouldn't be too strong, so let's only use our Lucarios!" Ash proposed as soon as he saw that his sister is awake.

"Sure..." May's expression didn't change.

"Huh, are you ok?" Ash wondered since he didn't expect his sister to agree as easily.

"Her mental state is still not healed..." Lucario said, and Ash's eyes widened.

"She'll be a zombie until her reflection is fully healed?" Ash wondered.

"No, no... I think it will be until her reflection wakes up... Right now, her subconsciousness is still sound asleep." Lucario explained.

Ash only sighed as a response...

Luckily May was surprisingly independent, and didn't require any kind of assistance during most of the things, she appeared to be normal, but practically asleep, so she kinda behaved like a zombie... She kept talking without any trace of emotions and kept bumping into things while walking... She also seemed to be slowed down...

Both twins got ready and set off to school, where they met their friends...

"May? Is everything alright?" Dawn wondered when she saw the Aura Princess.

"Actually, not really..." Ash responded instead.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" Drew panicked at the sight of his girlfriend who behaved very much like an undead.

"It's a little bit complicated to explain... She should be fine by tomorrow... But for today... Drew, could you take care of her? She's unable to think too much or express any emotions as her subconsciousness is asleep..." Ash explained and pushed his sister in Drew's direction.

"What do you mean? W-What do you want me to do?" Drew wondered.

"Just make sure she's on the battlefield in time of her battle, and make sure she uses her Lucario... Otherwise, let her sleep as much as possible..." Ash explained.

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