1. Sad

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Blaze was absolutely miserable. His pups were miserable too, but not as much as their father. It was one of the most awful experiences for Blaze to have to explain to his sons that their Momma was dead and never coming back. Blaine and Kinvaris struggled with this and just grasped the part where their Momma was never coming home. Shadow on the other hand didn't grasp any of it because he was just two, so for hours he called out for Songbird.

Shadow's cries really drove it home for Blaze that his beloved mate was really dead and gone. What was he to do now? The one person he loved so much was just gone. It was like his mother's death all over again. Except this time he wasn't there for her final moments and that drove him mad. He should've been a better mate and protected her.

🎶I taught the weeping willow how to cry, cry, cry. And I showed the clouds how to cover up a clear blue sky. And the tears that I cried for that woman are going to flood you big river. And I'm going to sit right here until I die.🎶

Blaze, do you want to talk about it? In his years training with the previous Omniscient Wolf, Miguel had learned a lot. Like for instance when a loved one died, it sometimes helped to talk about it. No. The lone word came out as barely a whisper, almost inaudible. You don't have to whisper.

I know. Again barely an audible whisper. It would be good for you to talk about it. Get it off of your chest. Miguel was starting to push Blaze and that was a mistake. What do you want me to say? I made a mistake that cost my mate her life? I can't even protect my mate? I'M PATHETIC!!! This time it was no whisper, more of a yell. Miguel winced at Blaze's words and tone. This was not the kind of reaction he was wanting. I got my Songbird killed! She's dead because of me!

The pups who were solemnly playing with bones nearby were shocked at their Daddy's loud tone. Miguel knew it was no use in trying to convince Blaze it wasn't his fault, he was in no mood to talk. Suddenly Blaze rose from his spot in the nest and started pacing back and forth in front of it. The pups watched him worriedly as did Miguel.

Since Blaze was clearly not in the mood to talk, Miguel sat cross legged by the pups and took a bone to join in on their playing. "No! Not that one!" Blaine snapped at him, taking the deer vertebrae from him. "Zahh is Momma's!" I'm sorry. What about this one? He asked grabbing a raccoon skull. Froop's Momma's too! Kinvaris growled.

Seeing that the twins weren't liking him trying to join their game, he gently grabbed Shadow and sat him in his lap. Of course Shadow didn't like this and started squirming. Ddd-daaa-daddy! That broke Blaze's pacing because he stopped to stare at the child. Daaadddyyy!!! Shadow bawled, clearly not liking being in Miguel's grasp. Blaze walked up to Miguel and knelt in front of him. Shadow's arms immediately reached for Blaze. Seeing the fear in his son's eyes Blaze grabbed him by the armpits and settled him on his hip.

It's okay Shadow. Daddy's here. That seemed to calm the young pup and he became less scared. Daddy. The pup cooed as he rubbed his head against his father's furred chest. While it was the absolute end of the world for Blaze, it did bring him some joy to hear Shadow say a new word. Especially since he wasn't saying Momma and reminding Blaze of his shortcoming.

Two Sad Days Later, Nightfall

Blaze was too disheartened to go out at all and hunt, but Miguel wasn't. Feeding the pups for the last two days gained their trust and now they wouldn't leave him alone.

At the moment all three pups and Miguel were in the nest. Shadow was sitting on his lap with Blaine sitting on his left and Kinvaris on his right. Cousin Miguel, tell us about your family. Kinvaris said. My Mom and Dad weren't nearly as loving towards each other as yours are. My Dad didn't treat my Mom right. But she did love my brother and I. My brother got sick and died. My mom also got sick but she survived. It left her weak though and she couldn't have anymore pups. My Dad didn't like that and he... Miguel trailed off as he remembered his father snapping his mother's neck during one of his fits of rage. He knew that telling the pups the truth would be bad, so he just skipped that part.

After that it was just my Dad and I. I was about eight when a human man took my Dad. I was on my own for just a few days when the Omniscient Wolf found me and took me in. Blaze didn't like Miguel's story so he walked out on it and sat on the edge of the cave mouth, gazing at the forest below. It would be so easy just to slip and fall onto the hard ground below.

Blaze's Pov.

Dying from a fall would hurt. But only for a little bit. It would be nice to be with my Songbird again.

Miguel can take care of my pups. He could even train one of them to be the next Omniscient Wolf.

That would be nice. My pups cared for and me back with my mate. I like this plan.

I've honestly been thinking about it for the past few days. Dying to be with my beloved mate.

I want to see my pups one last time before I jump though. I stand up and slowly walk back into the cave. But I stop at my rock when I hear talking.

There's something we need to talk about. My Daddy needs straightenen out. Ever since Momma's been gone he's been irritated and hollering at us a lot. But there's a part I can understand, cause even a little boy like me knows that worry sometimes overloads a man. But Cousin Miguel, he loved Momma so much and he used to tell her that nothing would ever come between 'em. Now I know that's what's bothering him cause now something has and I'm afraid he's thinking of joining her somehow. Kinvaris explains. Miguel doesn't even have a chance to answer before Blaine starts talking.

Cousin Miguel, I'm glad that he loved Momma and I want him to be with her again one of these days but I want you to talk to him and tell him he has us to raise. Tell him every now and then a little boy needs a helping hand and I guess you need your daddy even after you're a full grown man. And Cousin Miguel, if I lost him and Momma both it'd be more than I can stand. I know you would take care of us cause you love us a lot, but you're older and don't always understand the problems little boys like us got. Well Cousin Miguel, we won't bother you anymore tonight but tomorrow night we'll be sure and talk to you again. You talk to our Daddy now you hear? Thank you. My sweet pups. I love them all so much.

I let out a grunt and walk up to them. Shadow looks up at me with happiness. Daddy! He yells excitedly while reaching up for me to hold him.

I don't grab him though, I just sit on the edge of the nest.

The three of us take turns laughing and crying about Songbird. But in the end it was the first time in two days I saw them smile a real smile.

Daddy, I miss Momma so much. Please don't ever leave us too. Kinvaris says before lunging forward and wrapping his little arms around my neck. Yeah Daddy! I miss her too! Blaine adds before going in for a hug.

I love you three too much to ever leave. I can't believe I actually thought about abandoning my pups.

How could I protect them if I'm dead?

Come here Shadow, you need a hug too. I call him over and he joins the hug.

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