3. Hospital

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I used Inkarnate to make the map. I didn't want to pay money, so I didn't have houses or anything. I just used the village button and then selected ones that looked different for important places.

Unknown's Pov.




What is that noise? It shouldn't be here or so loud. I try opening my eyes to see what's causing the beeping and I'm met with blinding light.

It's not this bright at home. Why is it so bright now?

I slowly raise my hand to cover my eyes and open them cautiously. All I see are white walls and machines.

I move my hand away and feel something move with my arm. It's a tube with clear stuff flowing in it. What the hell?!

"Ah good. You're finally awake!" A cheery voice greets me. "Who are you?" I eye up the young lady.

"I'm Nurse Tabby." "I'm at the hospital? How long have I been here? I need to get back!" I rapidly fire words at her before struggling to get out of the bed.

"Miss please stop! I don't want to have to restrain you." I don't stop and she calls in two other nurses who proceed to hold me down while she straps my wrists to the bed.

"Doctor Frethta will be here shortly to examine you and explain everything." Tabby says before leaving me alone in this awful room.

A few minutes later a man with snow white hair and thick glasses walks in. "I'm Doctor Frethta..." I interrupt him and start talking, "How long have I been here?" He smiles kindly at me, obviously not bothered by my rudeness.

"Three days." "How long do I have to stay here?" He chuckles at my question and it makes me mad.

"I want to keep you here a few weeks for observation. You defied all medical odds and didn't die from your wound. But it's not healing as fast as it should be so I want to keep you under close observation." He explains while checking some things on his clipboard.

"I can't stay here that long! I have to get back!" I tell him. "I'm sorry Miss, but that's not possible. With the amount of blood you lost you should have died. Your body still hasn't replenished it yet and then there's the fact that the wound itself is healing very slowly." He says.

"You don't understand old man! I have to get back now!" I feel myself getting angry and the heart monitor starts beeping like crazy.

I struggle against my restraints but nothing budges. "Miss please calm down. You might hurt yourself." I don't listen and struggle some more before finally giving up.

"Now that your little scene is over, I want to ask you some questions." He pulls up a chair and sits by my side opposite of the heart monitor.

He poses with his clipboard in one hand and pen in the other. "Do you know what year it is?" "No." "Do you know how you got here?" I don't trust this man, I can't tell him the truth. "No."

"Three days ago you were found outside of our door wearing a deerskin dress. No one was with you and we initially thought you were dead. Once we figured out you weren't, we rushed you into surgery. A few hours after your surgery you started flat lining, you died for a full minute before our defibrillator brought you back." He explains.

"Okay." "I'm also a bit concerned about some of the scars the nurses found on your body." My hand automatically goes to my neck.

"Yes, that one along with some smaller versions of it on your legs and arms." The kids did occasionally fight and I would break them up. They often accidentally bit me and would cry about it for hours afterwards.

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