8. Interrogation

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"She doesn't know anything, she's a stupid human." Corporeal laughs. "That may be, but I want to see the joy leave her eyes when I break her like I did you." The Judge cackles while unlocking my cell.

I can't stop myself from feeling fear as he stalks closer and closer to my bed. "Come on you stupid child." He grabs me by my hair and drags me out of the cell.

He drags me down the hallway into a dimly lit room. There's another man in this room and he pins me onto the table with the Judge straps me down. The straps dig into my skin and likely will leaves cuts if I struggle too much.

"Since you're not a werewolf I can't do the traditional torture methods." The Judge pouts while the other man does something I can't see.

"But that's not going to stop me from beating you." He grins at me. The other man comes back with his hands and wrists taped up. This can't be good.

"I want her to be black and blue." He tells the other man, who moves closer and raises his fist. "For every question you don't answer, he will punch you four times." To prove his point the man punches me in the gut.

"First question, do you know of a woman named Martha Fitzgerald?" I feel like I've heard of her. I just don't know where. Then it hits me, she's the Judge's sister.

"I know she's your sister." I answer. "Other than that, do you know her?" His voice sounds angry.

"No." Four punches hit me in various parts of my stomach and a pained gasp escapes me. "What do you know of the children Martha had?" If I don't know her how am I supposed to know about her kids?

"Nothing." More punches. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

"What of your children? How many do you have?" He slowly runs a finger down my stomach. "Multiple, I have multiple children."

"How many is multiple?" He asks before stopping his hand on the incision. I'm scared about what happens if I tell him but even more scared about if I don't. "Three." His hand moves from the incision back up my stomach.

"Punch her." More pain hits me. "I answered your question!" "You hesitated to answer." I hate him so much.

Some sort of timer goes off and the Judge nods. More punches rain down on me until it hurts to be alive. He punches my face till it's to the point that every blink causes my face to throb. The tears that flow cause incredible pain.

"You can stop. We got what we needed for today." The straps are loosened and the Judge drags me back to my cell by my hair.

He stops to open the door and steps on my hand. "This pain is only the beginning." He twists his heel on my hand and then throws me into my cell.

He slams the door shut and I lay where I landed. Everything hurts so much. I would rather live with Mother than go through that again.

Narrator's Pov.

Corporeal sighed and stood up. Even though he didn't like the female, he knew he should probably check on her.

His eyes went wide when he got to the bars and peered down. Her face was swollen and badly bruised. She would be lucky if her eyes didn't swell shut overnight.

"It only gets worse from there. He has many things he uses to cause pain." The old wolf-man warned the woman. She let out a whimper of pain but didn't make any other indication of hearing him.

Corporeal went back to what he was previously doing, trying his best not to feel bad for her. She likely would die and that would be that. A part of him hoped she would die and the reminder of his mate would die with her. The other part hoped she would live and keep feeding him food that wasn't laced with wolfsbane.

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