12. Courtyard

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"How are you feeling this morning?" Rhea asked Songbird as she slipped breakfast into her cell. "I'll never get over those blue eyes, I see them everywhere. I miss those arms that held me when all the love was there." "It was another one of those dreams?" Rhea asked. Songbird had been getting dreams like this for the last week now. Apparently blue eyes were haunting her in her sleep. As much as Rhea sympathized? empathized? she honestly didn't know what she felt about Songbird. Anyway, she knew that no matter what she felt, something was wrong with Songbird.

"Alright, today's going to be different than normal. Today you're both going to get to go in the courtyard, together." The thought of seeing his cellmate face to face with nothing to stop him from killing her excited Corporeal to no end. He could finally put a stop to all of the annoying crying for her family and her off key singing. But most importantly he would put a stop to the constant reminder of his mate. "Hurry up! Let's go!" Corporeal demanded with a giddy look that was unlike him. Rhea eyed him suspiciously and let him out first. She escorted him to the courtyard before going back for Songbird. "This is a bad idea." She warned Rhea. "There's nothing I can do about it. This is a direct order from the Judge." Rhea replied.

Rhea all but had to shove Songbird through the door into the courtyard. She wanted nothing more than to stay away from the mountain of a man with a grouchy attitude. Corporeal was as she said a mountain of a man who had a full head of gray hair and pale blue eyes. His face wasn't one that looked like it could smile and in fact it looked like it was only designed to scowl.

Songbird stayed rooted to the spot as Corporeal slowly walked to her. He stopped about five feet from her and started to circle her, assessing his prey. She kept her front to him at all times, she wasn't going to let him get the surprise on her. As she moved he spotted her mate mark. His nose didn't lie to him, a wolf-man put his claim on her. He wasn't surprised that said wolf-man hadn't tried to rescue his mate. Pups are much more important than some stinky female.

"Stop looking at me like that!" Songbird demanded. "You shouldn't talk to me like that. There's nothing here to protect you from me." He warned her, the murderous glint in his eyes growing. She didn't say a word back to him. God, how Corporeal despised the woman in front of him. In a blink, the image of tearing her throat out flashed in his mind. As soon as the image disappeared he struck and slammed Songbird's body into the door behind her.

He held her there by her throat; surprisingly he did so in a fashion that allowed her to breathe. He couldn't help but laugh as she struggled in his grip. "I'm going to kill you now and finally I won't have to hear anymore of your crying and singing. The reminder of my mate will be dead!" Just to fuck with her, he adjusted his hold so she would only be held up with his right hand. With his left he ran his fingernails down her cheek, as he made the upwards motion his nails became claws and sliced open her skin.

She screamed in pain and kicked him in the stomach. The kicks didn't do much more than annoy him, she would never be strong enough to inflict real damage on him. To further fuck with her, he ran his tongue over the scratches. He enjoyed the taste of her blood on his tongue, her bleeding meant she would die soon. Once he had his fill of her blood, he pulled back to look at her scared face. "I'm going to enjoy ripping your throat out." He grinned at her. She watched in abject terror as his teeth extended into fangs. It was like facing that terrible beast again.

"Are you ready to die?" He cackled, angling his head to get a better angle at her throat. He never got a chance to sink in his fangs because a terrifying growl erupted from Songbird. Startled, Corporeal dropped her. She scrambled away from him and to the cement bench. He turned to follow her and was absolutely shocked to see red eyes staring back at him.

"Don't touch me!" She growled at him. Her growl sent the birds scattering from the trees. Why the birds didn't flee with the first growl is beyond me. The thunderous growl not only intimidated Corporeal, but caught the attention of a certain wolf-man who was out on his daily run. Blaze's head turned in the direction of the growl and he whispered, "Songbird." He shook his head, he knew he had to be hearing things. Songbird had been long dead, there was no way she could be out growling. Blaze sighed and went back to his run.

🎶Cool breeze on the river ripples to the shore. Wash away my troubles to the sea forever more. Wind and willows whisper sadness in the sound. Tell a tale of my once happy world that's fallen down.🎶

As Blaze ran he couldn't help but feel foolish for thinking he heard Songbird. He hadn't heard her voice in three years and was starting to forget it, so why would he think he heard her? He took a deep breath and focused back on running through his territory.

🎶I want to travel with you in your deep and emerald soul, that's the only way to make it peaceful like before. We used to touch at midnight but now I feel he's gone, even though he's lying next to me I feel alone.🎶

"That shouldn't be possible." Corporeal stared at Songbird in shock. "You're not a wolf-man, why do your eyes shine red and why can you growl?" Songbird had no answer for his questions.

"Ember, when did this all start?" This time his voice softened. Songbird eyed him cautiously, him being nice wasn't and would never be normal. "You just tried to kill me. You aren't getting shit out of me." She snapped at him.

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